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American First

LetterMay I suggest to people like David Caba and those of his ilk that to be biased for a certain group is just as bad as being biased against one. It’s about time that hyphenated Americans take pride in being Americans first and foremost and not be so mindful about where their ancestors came from. Once you are in this country legally consider yourself an American! Ethnic backgrounds should not be used as criteria for hiring individuals under any circumstances. Different factions only cause divisiveness. Perhaps Mr. Caba should return to the land of his forefathers where his people reside!

Yours truly,

Michael Rusznak


September 5, 2015

Not too long ago I lost someone very close to me.  I was consumed with sorrow and the pain of remembrance of that person.  Shortly after my loss, a very close friend lost their father.  What I write now is for my friend and those of you who have shared a similar loss.

This week I honor a man whom I never met.  Some might consider this unusual, but I consider it one of the most appropriate things that I’ve ever done.  At times like these, I believe in “letting my silence do the talking”.  Some people are a little too impressed with their own eloquence to be of any use to anyone.  Instead, let me offer you the “gift of silence”.  While others question the depth of feeling you express, let me stand with you and cherish your memory.  While some may continue to tell you to “get on with your life” let me eternally mourn with you as we collectively remember those who touched our lives forever.  While others paint the everyday smiles of “superficial contentment” on their faces, let us cry within and strengthen one another with our hidden tears.  While we contemplate our futures, let us embrace the irony that our loved ones, too, have already become kindred spirits in heaven.

If you will permit me, I ask you for one small indulgence this week.  I refuse to add another word to this subject, but rather let our mutual silence speak for us.  I would only ask that we meet at the end of each day this week to share a hug (or even a tear if necessary) for those who have achieved eternity before us.  Your undying devotion deserves all the respect in the world.

Barbara Skokan

Freedom of the Press

As we all know by now, on Sept. 3, 2015 two people were stabbed in town and sadly one died and the other was wounded. Now I’m only going to talk about the article that was printed about the stabbing from the Amboy Guardian. I read the article and it was down to the wire what happened that day as for now.

For me, it was real hardcore reporting on what happened. Carolyn Maxwell must have been doing a hell of a job on this with some of her friends that she can relate to. This is not easy work doing investigating reporting for the press. It takes lots of research and contacts. This is what I called freedom of the press – not like some of those other newspapers who are told what to print. The Amboy Guardian stands by the First Amendment in our Constitution.

I always told Carolyn to stand your ground on reporting the news. Also many police departments don’t like stories like this leaking out to the public because they think it will hurt their investigation – BULL CRAP! The Perth Amboy Police always get the bad guy because they know how to do it. Yes, it’s true in some way the press and cops understand what needs to be told behind closed doors for the public safety. So for now we have a newspaper that understands the community concerns when it comes to crime.  Thank you Amboy Guardian, Carolyn Maxwell and her staff with those contacts.

Orlando “Wildman” Perez

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