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Early Fireworks for Perth Amboy AFT President Pat Paradiso

Doctrine of Necessity Invoked

Teachers, Staff and Other Supporters applaud Paradiso *Photos by Paul W. Wang

Teachers, Staff and Other Supporters applaud Paradiso
*Photos by Paul W. Wang

By: Katherine Massopust

PERTH AMBOY – At the first public portion of the 1/7/16 Board of Education Meeting, Perth Amboy AFT (American Federation of Teachers) President came up to the podium. She started to read a prepared statement about the contract negotiations for teachers for the school year with the AFT and the Board of Education (see below).

Board President Sam Lebreault reads a statement citing the reasons why the Doctrine of Necessity was invoked *Photo by Katherine Massopust

Board President Sam Lebreault reads a statement citing the reasons why the Doctrine of Necessity was invoked
*Photo by Katherine Massopust

About a third of the way through her speech, Resident Stanley Sierakowski who was sitting in the audience began booing Paradiso stating to the Board that Paradiso was out of order and her statement should be read during the public portion at the end of the meeting (not in the beginning of the meeting which is for agenda items only).

Paradiso continued reading her statement which couldn’t be heard over Sierakowski’s loud booing. Board President Sam Lebreault banged his gavel stating that Paradiso had to wait until the end of the meeting to read her statement but she continued anyway unable to be heard.

There were many teachers and other supporters in the audience who applauded Paradiso’s efforts.

The Board went into closed session at 6:52 p.m. The Meeting resumed at 9:20 p.m. By then, many of the large crowd of disgruntled teachers and supporters had already left.

During the second public portion (when the public is free to speak on any topic they choose) one Teacher spoke, “I came across a bank deposit from 2011 and compared my paycheck from 2011 to now. My salary is $12 down from back then. I pay 10% of my salary for my health insurance. You have the power to compensate us before the law. I am a widow with two children in college. Because of what I pay for health insurance, I had to refinance my house. You have the power to renegotiate.”

During the Meeting, Board President Sam Lebreault stated that 100% of the Board had a conflict of interest as far as negotiations with the AFT contracts. He went on to read a statement indicating why each BOE Member was in conflict  what their conflict was. Lebreault then invoked the Doctrine of Necessity according to NJ State Legislation. Because all 9 Members were in conflict, Lebreault chose a committee consisting of 4 Board Members: Ken Puccio, Anthony Bermudez, Israel Varela and himself. This committee will meet with the AFT in order to negotiate the contract with the union members.

Statement by AFT President Pat Paradiso

Perth Amboy AFT President Pat Paradiso

Perth Amboy AFT President
Pat Paradiso

PERTH AMBOY: This statement was read by Perth Amboy AFT President Pat Paradiso at the 1/7/16 BOE Meeting:

First I would like to offer my support for the approval of the 2015 Uniform State Memorandum of Agreement between Education and Law Enforcement Officials for the 2015-2016 school year. I come from a family of law enforcement officers and I know how important it is to have a cooperative, professional relationship with the people who protect us. Staff members have voiced concerns about their safety and the safety of our students. We hope this represents a new commitment to the safety of our students and staff.

Second I would like to comment on the hiring of our new staff. We have heard that this Board is striving to be the kind of district that attracts only the best and the brightest. Yet at the Federation we have been receiving phone calls from both new hires and current staff members concerned about the state of the district. As you know we have never had the most generous salary guide, and recently the rising cost of healthcare has caused most staff members to take home less money each paycheck. We would like to be able to tell people some good news, but as you know we can’t. We all know about The Doctrine of Necessity, but we feel that this board has not made negotiating our contract a priority. We also know that other employees outside of our unit have received their contracts, and they have also gotten really good deals on health insurance contributions.

We would hate to see a two-tiered system in this district where some people get a good deal and the rest of us must face the reality of taking home less money each paycheck. When you give people at the top of the pay scale the best deal on healthcare and do not offer the same deal to the rest of us – you deny us, you deflate us, and you disrespect us. No worker should pay more for healthcare than central administration. That sends a message that policy makers are valued more than those of us who directly touch the lives of children. We are asking that you do whatever it takes to get the job done. Thank you.


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