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Anti-Bullying, Doctrine of Necessity Evoked Again, and Homework & Grading Policy – 8/24/17 Board of Education Meeting

PERTH AMBOY – A slideshow presentation on self-assessment for determining grades under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act was given by Mrs. Mary J. McAdam Director of School Counseling & Related Services.

On the report, the total number of incidents for the high school was 32; 18 in the middle schools; and 13 in the elementary schools. There was a point system that each school had to pass in order to meet or pass the criteria established by the anti-bullying program.
There were 50 training sessions and 85 programs. McAdam was pleased to announce that the Perth Amboy School System exceeded or met the criteria.

For more information on the 24-page New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights go to

Because seven of the nine Board Members have at least one relative employed by the school system, the Doctrine of Necessity was evoked. This was necessary due to the discussions and negotiations between the Board of Ed and the PA-AFT regarding Superintendent Dr. Roman’s contract.

Chair for the Personnel Committee Obi Gonzalez read a statement referencing the lack of quorum to vote on certain aspects of Superintendent Dr. Roman’s contract.

Board Member Anton J. Massopust

Later in the Meeting Board President Kenneth Puccio made his report. He said it was important that he relayed the following story: “I crossed paths recently with an area doctor. In the 1960’s, this doctor said as a student that he couldn’t decide what area of practice he wanted to be in. This doctor relayed that there was a High School Teacher that insisted he go on a class trip to Rutgers that he was running. When they arrived at the campus, a Dean from Rutgers gave him a personal tour. I want to recognize Board Member Mr. Massopust who was that high school teacher who influenced that doctor in a positive way when he was a student.”

Those in attendance acknowledged Mr. Massopust with applause.

When Superintendent Dr. Roman spoke, he thanked the present and new staff, who he stated are phenomenal. “They are on the front line as are the administrators. I also want to recognize Dulce Rodriguez who is leaving the district. She has always remained the same and many people in the community love her.”

Superintendent Dr. David Roman

Roman also recognized the central office, “Especially the behind the scenes personnel who do the heavy lifting. A lot of the school’s facilities have been approved and we’re ready to open. We had a recent Board Retreat session. Our next retreat will involve the administration. Clarity and transparency are very important. We will have one collective voice and you can see what I have done in my three years here.”

When it came to one of the curriculum items, Board Member Junior Iglesia was concerned about the out-of-district placements and contracts of special education students in out-of-district facilities. “We don’t have the capacity for this and we’re using $9 million. We need to do more research to give them the services here instead of out-of-district.”

Superintendent Roman agreed with Iglesia and stated that the District Supervisor of Special Education is looking into this.

Board Member Junior Iglesia

Board Member Anton J. Massopust had the following remarks, “As a Member of the Board of Education, I was interested in why the students weren’t reading well. I found out that there was a lack of books in the system. Myself, former Board Member Sam Lebreault and present Board Member Milady Tejeda pushed to purchase books. Books were purchased, but I saw the students weren’t bringing the books home. I found out that there wasn’t a strong homework policy. I wanted to start a policy and Dr. Roman stated that we need to have a policy for grading as well as homework. We reviewed the homework and grading policies. There are three very important questions a teacher needs to ask themselves: what to teach; how to teach it; and what is needed to do proper teaching. We wanted a committee of teachers from all grades (Pre-K to 12th Grade) and the administrators. Every teacher has to have this one objective: to make sure the students are successful and responsible citizens of the United States of America. Students must compete countrywide and worldwide. I want to thank the teachers and administrators who got this done.”

Superintendent Roman added his thoughts, “I thank the Board of Education, teachers, administration who worked together to implement this policy. We’ll meet throughout the school year if we feel something needs to be worked on. We’re looking to improve our students and also hold them accountable.”

Board Member Jose Rodriguez was not present.

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