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Pedestrian Safety Program

PERTH AMBOY – On Thursday, 09 February 2012 the Perth Amboy Police Department started the final stage of its Pedestrian Safety Program initiative which was started last year. The first stage took place in the spring of 2011 which included a press conference introducing the program to the public.

This stage continued till the fall of 2011 during which time the focus was on educating pedestrians to use crosswalks and drivers to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. This stage also included an audit sponsored by the NJ Department of Transportation which focused on the reduction of motor vehicle accidents which involved pedestrians. In the fall of 2011 the City’s Business Improvement District purchased pedestrian crossing signs which were placed along Smith Street advising drivers to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. At this time the second stage of the program was initiated.

After receiving numerous complaints from our senior community of motorist not allowing or stopping to allow them to cross the street, officers from the Special Services Bureau monitored the signs and looked for driver compliance; violators were stopped and re-educated as to the requirements of the law.

After several months of attempting to educate the driving public the final stage the “enforcement” stage was started this past Thursday, 09 February 2012 on Smith Street between High Street and King Street, which was the area in which we received the highest number of complaints from senior residents of the City.

The Police Department is once again requesting that pedestrians use the crosswalks and that drivers yield the right of way to pedestrians within the crosswalks. For additional information contact the Special Services Bureau of the Perth Amboy Police Department at 732-324-3810.

News Release

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We are taking safety precautions in the City of Perth Amboy, and emphasize that it is important: IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING!!
Report Suspicious Activity – Be Vigilant – STAY ALERT! Do not think that any call or report is too small. Don’t allow the actions of a few dictate your quality of life.