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To The Taxpayers of Sayreville

Having read the recent articles in the Suburban News and watched the broadcasts of the also-recent Sayreville Borough council meetings, I have a warning for all Sayreville residents who care about their town.

We have a woman on the council that has all the earmarks of being a self-centered dictator. Starting with not being reasonable, not being compassionate, and not being understanding in recognizing the job that Mr. Bertrand has done while serving in his position as our business administrator. I think his record speaks for itself regarding saving the borough 11 million dollars.

Therefore, to be terminated without good reason and not advising the mayor in a timely manner of this so-called “decision” by the council is a disgrace and misuse of power by those elected by the residents of Sayreville. You’ve torn apart a man that gave 100% of his love for our town, and I’m sure the termination caused him a great amount of embarrassment and humiliation.

I think the Sayreville residents should be as fair with you as you were with Mr.Bertrand and be allowed to vote on our feelings about this matter, to either confirm the decision you made or demand that you reinstate him to his former position. My personal opinion is that we need to look at the big picture here. There is one person on the council who is making herself the “Head of Class” for her own self-satisfaction and personal gain, at any cost, without regard for the residents’ feelings on borough matters, and the majority of the council members follow like sheep, equally disregarding the fact that they work for the taxpayers of Sayreville, not the other way around.


Mary Paskell

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