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EDITORIAL: A Cause for Celebration

It’s only our opinion but having the fireworks put on jointly by the historic cities of Perth Amboy and South Amboy is good for the community. I normally don’t look at the blog sites but decided to see what people were thinking in regards to the fireworks issues. The main concern seems to be:

1. The City of Perth Amboy cannot afford the fireworks.

2. The corporate money would be better suited to other needs of the City of Perth Amboy.

3. The town is not clean enough to have out-of-towners come in.

When I was growing up, Perth Amboy was steep in the tradition of celebrating Independence Day with a fireworks display and guess what happened – there was a lot of traffic. In that period of time I cannot remember there being any kind of major incidents of drunkenness, or any other major misbehavior of anyone in attendance. If there was – I personally never witnessed it.

Also – every year, even after the fireworks were discontinued in Perth Amboy, people continued to come to the Waterfront to see the fireworks just out of habit. You also had residents having their own private fireworks displays on their property. This has not only happened in our town, but all over the country.

To the best of my knowledge the fireworks expenses and security provided for it is completely funded by corporate or business donations. Many of these corporations make yearly donations to charities, presented scholarships to local students, and other community endeavors. Some of the new corporations coming into town intend to initiate mentoring and internship programs to help students find employment in those industries. These are just a few of the cases I can think of off the top of my head.

Yes, I also walk around the town a lot and like other residents I am also dismayed at times about the amount of garbage on the sidewalks and streets. Public Works with a skeleton crew works very hard to try to control the situation. The one thing they can’t control are individuals who would just as soon throw their garbage in the streets or on the sidewalks as they are passing an almost empty garbage can.

If I had anything to say right now it would be for the community to pull together to try to make the city as clean as possible.

Yes, the City does have programs throughout the year that benefit the residents such as Family Day, the Beach Party, and the Recreation Programs which has a very good response. We have to face facts. Cities cannot survive with only the revenue coming in by their local residents. We need to have outside revenue to also come in. Having these corporations donate funds for a fireworks display is an event that can only unite the Amboy’s. If we can get residents from other town’s to spend money in our City, it could only help our business community.

This is the first real big event that Perth Amboy has had in the last 20 years. Having this event jointly with South Amboy is a historic event in itself. It’s bringing a touch of class to the City. Both Cities are very historic. The added significance of having the Independence Day Display is because it is the 100th anniversary of the first airmail flight which was between South Amboy and Perth Amboy (July 4, 1912). This is only one historic event taking place this year. If this isn’t a cause for celebration – we don’t know what is.

Feel free to express your own opinions about the fireworks. We welcome your comments as this is the only way we can hear all sides of the story.



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