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Another Hot Spot — Opinion

Intersection of Maple and Fayette Streets. *Photo by Carolyn Maxwell

PERTH AMBOY – This is not the only dangerous intersection in Perth Amboy. There are many such examples of intersections that need to be closely examined.

On August 6, 2012 at approximately 3:40 p.m. as I was walking down Maple Street. While approaching Fayette Street (Which have stop signs) a car on Fayette Street sped right through the stop sign without slowing down or looking. A car that had the right away on Maple Street had to screech to a halting stop to avoid a collision with the car that sped through the stop sign. Unfortunately, I have witnessed this happening numerous times. What makes it the more frightening is when it happens in broad daylight.

I don’t know how many actual accidents have occured at the intersection of Fayette and Maple Street. I cross that intersection several times a week and there are just too many near misses. Perhaps data should be submitted not only about the two intersections mentioned in this article but many other intersections as well. The public should attend more Council meetings to voice their concerns about what they consider intersections that are dangerous to pedestrians and drivers. Perhaps the State will step in when more voices are heard.

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