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Community Voice: MoPA Misconceptions

The Board of M.o.P.A. (Museums of Perth Amboy) is concerned about misconceptions created by an individual at the last Perth Amboy City Council meeting. Our mission is to co-ordinate events among the various museums of the City, aid in the development of joint programs, help obtain grants and provide publicity for co-ordinated events.

We do not exist as a ruling entity nor shall we ever. Each of the museums maintains their own autonomy, has their own By-laws, etc. We have no desire nor any ability to “take over” any museum or their funding.

I cannot imagine anyone attacking our motives unless, of course, they are running for office and are desperately seeking attention. I am greatly disturbed that this individual attacked Councilman Balut who has been a true supporter of the history community. In every case the man’s facts were incorrect and the Councilman was factual.

I am not using this individual’s name intentionally as it would be wrong to give him the publicity that he so callously seeks. Please continue your support for M.o.P.A. and join us for our many worthwhile programs.

Thank you,

Kathleen Manning-DePow

MoPA President

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