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EDITORIAL: Upsetting the Apple Cart

Every so often the Sadie Dowdell Library in South Amboy will send the Amboy Guardian pictures and press releases where Amboy Bank has sent them either monetary donations to defray the cost of the library. The reason I bring this up is to compare the library in South Amboy to the Carnegie Library in Perth Amboy. The South Amboy Library which is newer than Perth Amboy’s Library is connected to the High School on the left hand side and the middle school which is on the right hand side. Since the facility in South Amboy is newer, it is in much better condition than the Perth Amboy library built in 1901.

We think it is wonderful when financial institutions hand out scholarships or have programs to help students in the school system but you also have to remember that the schools are not the only educational institutions in town. Where do you think that students go if they need to do additional research and they may not have computers available at home?

If you haven’t gone to the Perth Amboy Library lately, I suggest you pay a visit there ASAP. To have students go to a library that is in need of a great deal of repair with mold on the walls, paint peeling, overcrowded shelves and a roof that leaked for years is not that conducive to learning.

The roof was finally repaired this year and the conditions we described are on the main level. The children’s library which is located on the lower level is in a little better condition. Unfortunately a lot of the books located on that level are deteriorating and it is a very sad situation. We are asking local banks to contact their corporate headquarters to make financial investments to local libraries becasue that is where students go to do more extensive research.

Remember not all families can afford to have computers, I-phones, I-pads and the like.

People use computers in the library to do research, job searches, and it may be the only communications they have to keep in touch with their relatives, friends and other loved ones overseas. Yes, we know that there are people that will abuse the system but let’s not punish those who use the resources in the library to better their lives. These are just a few of the reasons why we are calling on the local banks to help defray the cost of repairs to the library.

We have noticed that some agencies have received large donations over and over again. We think the library trustees should go after those corporations for donations, too.

A video showing dire conditions of the Perth Amboy Library was filmed last year before the 2nd Annual Taste of Perth Amboy. Due to a programming glitch it was only shown on PA-TV twice. (And that was one day before the Taste of Perth Amboy). This 2011 video showed the conditions that existed at that time. Not much has changed. (The roof doesn’t leak anymore).

You don’t need special permission to go to the library. Take a look and see for yourself at the conditions.

We are going to piggyback off of the Ambassador Program that Dot Daniel spoke about at the Council Meeting recently. This summer program was to introduce students to historic sites in New Jersey hopefully starting with Perth Amboy. With the Perth Amboy Library being a original Carnegie, it only makes sense that it should be on the list for students to visit. The library also should be in the forefront as an educational institution that should be slated for repairs as soon as possible.

C.M. & K.M.


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