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Pro’s and Con’s Between Dual and Single Streams

Frank Dann

Frank Dann and Geri Barcheski Appear Before City Council to Field Questions About Dual and Single Stream Recyclables

PERTH AMBOY — Single Stream Recycling is when you mix all solid recyclables (commingled) in one container. In Dual Stream Recycling the cans and bottles are separated from paper and collected separately. Perth Amboy presently uses Dual Streaming. Frank Dann of the Department of Public Works is a supporter of Single Streaming recyclables for the City of Perth Amboy. Recycling has been going on for twenty-five years and Frank Dann worked for a company for three years who recycled solid waste and is a State Certified technician in recycling of solid waste.

Dann mentioned Middletown and Lakewood as 2 of 25 municipalities that are using single streams for recyclables. He has also reviewed articles, press releases and publications dealing with Single vs. Dual streaming of recyclables. He has also been in contact with the town of Highland Park which recycle paper, cardboard, cans and bottles together. Dann said, “Because they do everything at one time, they reduce sick time. With Woodbridge Township their recycling has increased by 33% from 2009 to 2010. There are processes going on to separate recyclables for contaminates.”

Geri Barcheski

Geri Barcheski heard that at a previous meeting someone had made a statement attributed to her that was not true. She came to set the record straight. She stated, “I am in favor of single streaming. It’s convenient and there are automated collection systems in larger containers. But Single stream has to be phased in. Dual stream is cleaner and recyclables can be used more often. Women can drive these vehicles with these containers and Perth Amboy is a glass heavy community with a lot of bars.”

Frank Dann was questioned by one of the Council Members in regards to what would happen if one of the trucks broke down.

Dann said, “I have already spoken with Woodbridge Township which has a large fleet of trucks that they use for their recyclable collections. I am having a meeting with that township to make an agreement to use their trucks if one of ours breaks down.”

During the public portion, Michael George of the Port Authority said, “I back up Dann and Barcheski on recycling for single streams. I was on the committee with them. (In regards to dual vs. single stream recycling) Your transfer station is terrific, but it’s old.”

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