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COMMUNITY VOICE: Obama Lies and Results

The “Hope and Change” man is back but he doesn’t present the same possibilities that he did four years ago. His record of incompetency has his credit rating bottoming out. He cannot run on his record because it is so poor. Thus, he will demonize his opponent and attempt to bring him down by negative characterization.

Why would he speak of his record when he pushed through a bill of more than a trillion dollars in new healthcare spending and a 4.5 percent tax increase.

He doesn’t want people to know that Jon Corzine, who misused client’s monies, was the top contributor to Obama’s reelection. I’m sure that was not Corzine’s money, but ours.

He pushed through environmental regulations and then scraped them to win back campaign supporters.

He was for so many firsts, and then changes his mind – such as lower taxes, then higher taxes. He was for forcing Catholic institutions to provide contraception and abortion insurance before he was against forcing them against their religious principles.

He said the first action he would take upon becoming President would be to close Guantanamo. Well, it’s still open – thank you.

Oh, he was the man for energy independence – then suddenly he rejects the keystone pipeline.

The United States today no longer has a Triple A credit rating. I wonder how that happened. The national debt was increased almost five trillion dollars in less than four years.

Since he cannot run on his dismal record, he must divert attention to bastardize his opponent.

Think about this – four more years of Obama would take us to a place which we probably would never be able to recover. If the United States is such an evil country, why are people jumping fences, breaking laws and doing everything in their power to enter our country.

The road Obama has put us on is unsustainable. Bridges will not only be used for transportation but suicide.

Obama has spent more time running for reelection than working on the people’s problems. Over 200 tours throughout this country having to do with his reelection in the last year. He has met with his job council only once in the same time period. If he is working so hard to get jobs for our citizens, why has this special job council met only once?

I fail to see how his supporters still cannot tell the difference between his lies and the obvious results of his actions.

Barbara Skokan
Perth Amboy

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