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Concerned Women Blast Mayor Wilda Diaz for Poor Judgment

PERTH AMBOY - 40 Local women gathered at City Hall Circle to defend Billy Delgado against Mayor Diaz’s accusations. *Photo by Paul W. Wang

PERTH AMBOY – A group of concerned women held a press conference in front of City Hall this afternoon to question the judgment of Mayor Wilda Diaz for suggesting that her personal dispute with a former campaign aide was comparable to the struggle of women across the country for equal rights.

“It is laughable that Mayor Diaz would expend city resources to hold a press conference and declare that she is in a long line of oppressed women because of an unflattering email she received from a former campaign aide,” said Ana Mascenik, a City Council candidate running on the ticket with mayoral aspirant Billy Delgado. “And then to add insult to injury she tries to blame Delgado for the tone of the email.” Mascenik continued: “I think a more important point for the residents of Perth Amboy is how much did her political farce cost the taxpayers. She utilized the police force to close off several streets near City Hall so she could play out her political soap opera. My message to Mayor Diaz is that the residents want to know about your plans to lower taxes, about your plans to redevelop the city about your vision for the city.”

Obi Gonzalez, an elected member to the Perth Amboy Board of Education, said “the relevant issue here is performance not gender.” She continued: “Mayor Diaz has done a poor job of managing our city for the last four years. Her deeply flawed administration is not a reflection on all women but rather a reflection on her inability to lead the City of Perth Amboy.”

Linda Cruz, retired teacher and long life resident of Perth Amboy said, “I do not condone the consultant’s action, however, I know Billy Delgado, his wife Marilyn and his daughter Ariana and I know he has the highest regard for all women. Mayor Diaz has set the struggle for women rights back by her actions.”

Milady Tejeda, a member of the Perth Amboy Board of Education, said: “As an elected leader, I was sad and disappointed that the Mayor brought all these powerful elected women to Perth Amboy under a false pretense. Mr. Delgado is not responsible for the incident and this matter is unrelated to the historic oppression of women.”

Last week, Mayor Diaz held a press conference with state elected officials and publicized a private email in which a former employee questioned her ability and competence to lead. The former Diaz employee now supports Billy Delgado for mayor. Mayor Diaz attempted to blame the candidate for the sentiments expressed in the emailand cast it as part of the historic oppression of women.

Press Release: 9/27/12

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