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It is in the Budget that the Council Approved {Family Day} Caucus & Council Meeting 10/10/12

PERTH AMBOY — Kenny Ortiz, who is the head of the Department of Human Resources appeared before the Council to answer questions about an annual event called “Family Day.”

Fernando Gonzalez

Ortiz was called to answer questions presented by Councilman Fernando Gonzalez who is not seeking reelection. Councilman F. Gonzalez commended Ortiz for the great job he is doing. Fernando Gonzalez said he was under the impression that there was no cost to the taxpayers for the “Family Day” event.

Kenny Ortiz

Kenny Ortiz replied, “Family Day is paid by the taxpayers, but it is built into the Recreation Budget. This Budget is approved by the Council. Certain City Employees, such as the DPW (Department of Public Works) get paid for setup and cleanup. When I was first appointed to the Department of Recreation there was a need for an outside consultant to coordinate the Family Day Event which is a huge undertaking. Many people who were in the Recreation Department before I came were no longer here when I was first appointed. There are also a lot of people who do volunteer work. The food is also donated.”

In past years, under the Vas administration, it was known as “Beach Day.” “Beach Day” was at that time only open to campers.

Under Mayor Diaz, she expanded that to include all residents in the City of Perth Amboy.

Mayor Diaz said that this was an opportunity for corporations to build partnerships with the City. The partnerships were also with the County and Non-profits to provide information to families and the community. Donations are also given by these corporate sponsors.

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