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Mission Statements: Perth Amboy Mayoral Candidate Sharon Hubberman

Sharon Hubberman


Sharon D. Hubberman, born and raised in Perth Amboy, is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SD Widman Private Wealth advisory. She also owns and operates Galería Noráhz, a touring art gallery which focuses on combining art acquisition with social philanthropy. She has over 16 years of experience in the financial industry, and in addition to her business, she is also engaged in social entrepreneurship and community work. She is a recipient of the 2005 Paul Robeson Distinguished Community Fellow Award and while working on Wall Street, at Smith Barney, Sharon managed millions of dollars and was one of the youngest consultants in a branch which was the second largest producing branch in the country. She is a guest career speaker for the Rutgers Educational Opportunity Program, an At-Large Member, a Finance Committee member of the Rutgers University Alumni Association, and Founder/President of the Rutgers DanceSport Alumni Club, which was nominated for the 2011 Ernest McMahon Award for programming excellence. Sharon is a former competitive ballroom dancer and former auxiliary member of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta in which she received an honored invitation to do volunteer work in Lourdes, France.


True leadership is about uniting the people and working with any person who has the citizen’s of Perth Amboy’s best interest at heart. It is not about political agendas, or personal politics. It is about lifting up an individual when hope seems far away, and restoring the confidence and belief that there are brighter days ahead. I’ve advised many individuals on how to achieve their financial goals and dreams and I know that the only way for a goal to be achieved is by being a good listener and a person of action. Having had a career on Wall Street, and being a home grown candidate, it provides me with a unique and fresh perspective in how to address the needs of the City’s residents. If I receive the honor of being the City of Perth Amboy’s next mayor, they will not be disappointed by my work ethic, and my entrepreneurial, business, finance, negotiations, and management experience. I’m going to do everything possible to get the job done prudently.


The key to resolving the real estate tax and unemployment issues is by bringing in new types of revenue to the City. One needs to be proactive, and not reactive or passive. One needs to think outside the box and implement a growth strategy that will enable the citizen’s of Perth Amboy to have progress. I believe it is critical to embrace technology, innovation, and renewable initiatives as key drivers to not only providing growth to Perth Amboy, but also is necessary to provide diversification in rateables. I see Perth Amboy as the next East Coast Silicon Valley,in which I call Perth-Tech Valley. As your mayor it will be my duty to operate government efficiently, manage the finances prudently, utilize a common sense approach, and enable a pro-innovation environment for companies seeking to expand and develop roots in Perth Amboy. In addition, a key potential revenue component lies in my renewable energy initiative which incorporates a practical approach to the city’s needs of addressing the garbage problems. Transforming municipal waste and biological waste to Renewable Energy is not only an initiative that can potentially clean up our environment, improve our water and sewer system, it is also another source of revenue for the city that when implemented correctly will bring progress. Unlike, solar and wind energy, which does not produce a high output of energy and is not a new technology, this type of sustainable energy will help make our City be more energy independent. My commitment is that through Better Planning, Perth Amboy will have a Brighter Future.


Hubberman’s mother, Maria Elena Varela, local entrepreneur, and owner of PPS Tax Prep, and long time Perth Amboy resident and Committeewoman also spoke in support of her daughter. She stated, “I know Sharon is the only candidate who will bring progress to this city. And she is the only candidate who has the experience and financial knowledge to lead our town and turn things around.”

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