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Not Satisfied with Radio System

PERTH AMBOY – AT the October 22, 2012 Caucus Meeting, Resident John Siberry said, “Questions came up in regards to the 911 Emergency Call System at a meeting at Firefighter Headquarters. “A test call was made and it didn’t come over immediately. The Police and Fire should not be on the same radio transmitters.

Siberry wanted Chief Volk to answer some questions in regards to that situation but the Chief had already left the meeting. Siberry wondered aloud why Volk left the meeting before it was over. The Council was informed that Volk left because of a fire at Kindermorgan.

Councilman Bill Petrick said a second test was done and the call came through. “The first time a call was made a wrong button was hit or the correct button was not pressed down hard enough.

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