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COMMUNITY VOICE: Dissatisfied with Caffrey

It is unbelievable that present Perth Amboy Superintendent of Schools, Janine Caffrey, has the nerve to question the President of Board of Education Sam Lebreault that he does not care for the children of our city. By moving in and out of office she has seen fit into to care about the welfare of children herself.

The Board has voted to remove her and yet she comes back like a bad penny or the flu via the State Commissioner of Education. It is obvious that the state, including Governor Christie, wants to turn this city into a charter school system.

There is a record of over 10 Superintendants of schools dismissed from their jobs by their respective Board of Education. They having done even less than what Caffrey has done. What does that say about friends in high places?

Throughout this past year she has been vocal (radio, press, etc.) in her reasons why she should be part of this school system, yet she denigrates the same system. She has demonized teachers who have impeccable records just because she doesn’t like them. If someone speaks up against her methods they are punished and made to spend time not using their hard earned talents teaching children.

Now she feels she can override the people who hired her because of numerous proven false allegations (which did not withstand scrutiny) against Board members she does not like. Necessary work was not done thus delaying progress of the education of our children. She is the one who has made it impossible to overcome this impasse.

She must have really laid a case on the Board when being interviewed for them not to see her agenda.

At present, we are able to replace the woman with one who already knows the city and is well liked by teachers and students. Because she was doing her job as required by the Board of Education, the Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Vivian Rodriguez, stepped in and took over Caffrey’s job. Caffrey being so indignant, banished her to the basement of #7 School. Out of sight, out of mind!

I have been a citizen of this city all my life. Caffrey would never be able to do what she does if it weren’t for the backing of Trenton and unelected bureaucrats.

Yes, we are a minority city but the people are not stupid and neither are their children. If one wants to learn, they will, but there must be an incentive to do so. The garbage that Caffrey is attempting to introduce is not conducive to learning.

Note to Caffrey! Why is it alright for some to use the Doctrine of Necessity but not when she is involved?

It is a known fact that a massive amount of money was sent into this city to influence the school and city election. All this to keep Caffrey in place. There is the presumed separation of City Hall and the School Board policies yet there is partisan political meddling. It is unethical for City Hall to be involved in the workings of any school.

Far too many innocent people have their reputation ruined and grown depression – only for Caffrey’s ego. If the public knew the whole story, this women would never have been hired in the first place.


Gladys Santos

Perth Amboy

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