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AMBOY SPOTLIGHT: Kitchens, Cabinets, and Gallo

By Eric Salvary —

PERTH AMBOY — For 40 years Wholesale Kitchens and Cabinets had sold some of the best quality house decor in Middlesex county, this family based business has grown through the years with quality products and quality customer service, any good business is grown through word of mouth advertisement, If you were a customer 10 years ago and had to come back to whole sale today one of the quality things you might be talking about is Eileen Gallo.

She has been with the company 37 of the 40 years they have been in existence, sister to the original Owner and Founder of Wholesale James Mcglone. A woman, who loves her job, loves the people she works with calls her work environment “very professional.” and “caring”. Eileen may have to take credit for this herself as she has been the tone setter for this type of quality, she has held almost every customer service position this company offers, starting out as a receptionist and making her way up the ladder to being assistant to the president of the company.

At age 82 she only works three days a week now but still carries on the her quality position as she is now in charge of customer deliveries. When asked what has kept her at wholesale after so many years she said that” she loves going to work and wishes her Brother was here to see how things were going, and see how her nephews are carrying out his legacy” Between that and” Customers who come back after a number of years who still remember her” helps keep her fueled and committed to wholesale. She is describe by her coworkers as “very professional, good work ethic, very focused, always early, and always give her best”

Outside of work Eileen life has had some major changes she now lives in Montclair after spending many years living in Neptune City where she was during Hurricane Sandy. Though her building was out of power for ten days she credits the Secaucus fire department and the building staff for what she called a “heart rendering” experience for the outpouring of love and care they provided during that state of emergency.

She also see some light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to Hurricane Sandy as it has produced more business for wholesale as people come back to the company to attempt to get their original kitchens sets as people try to rebuild; Believing that if people come back that the company has done the job right the first time.

Eileen recognizes that getting older and says it “tuff” as she can’t do what she used to do, but loves that she gets to spend time with her 8 year grandson, and has some thoughts to writing a book one day. In the end Wholesale kitchen and Cabinets is more than a place it is a representation of the quality person of Eileen Gallo.

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