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By Anton Massopust III—

“What is this bill? We must act now! NOW! NOW!! NOW!!!”

Daniel Day Lewis enters into Oscar territory in one of his finest performances in Steven Spielberg’s LINCOLN. Based on the book “A Team of Rivals” by Doris Kearns Goodwin, the movie tells not the entire story of Abraham Lincoln’s life, but it does tell the story of the last few months of Lincoln’s life in trying to pass the 13th Amendment and end slavery in the United States. Lincoln’s greatest difficulty was in convincing the House of Representatives to pass the amendment as they were very hostile to it. This amendment would not have passed if Lincoln’s presidency had not pressed for it. If you are expecting sweeping battle scenes and huge epic fights, you will get some of that, however, you would need to see another movie in order to get that.

At the base of this movie are the performances: Daniel Day Lewis IS Abraham Lincoln and captures him very well. He shows Lincoln’s greatness, his humor, and his strength as a leader. Sally Field gives a great performance as Lincoln’s wife, Mary Todd, and Tommy Lee Jones plays a strong abolitionist with many secrets who may have to compromise in getting the 13th Amendment to pass. This movie is mostly about dialogue and the interaction between key players in Lincoln’s government; it is not really about the Civil War but rather the underlying reasons behind it. The cinematography is sweeping, beautiful and bold, and it is a masterpiece to behold as a cinematic triumph by Spielberg. It has received several nominations for the Golden Globe already and is sure to win some awards. Older children would appreciate this movie, but younger kids would be bored. If you want to see some good hard drama, this movie is for you. If you are a lover of American history, this movie will be sure to please. Grade A plus.

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