Categorized | Local Perspectives, Schools


I am writing to you because as a teacher at the Richardson school I feel it is it is time that we have moved forward and hired a permanent principal for our school. Karen Moffatt is an extremely supportive and nurturing administrator. She has been acting principal of the Richardson school, and I for one am extremely pleased with the level of professionalism and leadership she has provided to the school.

I have been teaching for twelve years and I am currently starting my fifth year teaching at Richardson. I started as an intervention teacher, moved into an inclusion classroom as the regular education teacher, and am now the regular education teacher in a collaborative consultation classroom. Because I have always worked closely with the other educators in my classroom because of the special circumstances in my room, I understand how important it is to have a relationship that is built on mutual respect.

Mrs. Moffatt is asset to our community at Richardson because she is fair, honest, trustworthy, and an active administrator. She is rarely seated behind her desk. Instead she is circulating among the classrooms and into the various crevices of Richardson. The students know her by name and by face. She knows them as well, as she takes the time to acquaint herself with the many students that traverse these halls. She keeps a pulse on the school and what it needs. She is a dedicated professional who takes her craft seriously and asks that all who work in this environment to do the same.

Mrs. Moffatt has asked for a level of professionalism in the staff which I feel is more than justified. We are a professional community. If we would like that respect, we should make sure that each staff member is providing that to each other and to the students that are constantly listening and looking up to us. Mrs. Moffatt has conducted herself with the utmost decorum befitting of an administrator, even when faced with severely unprofessional behaviors.

When I was first hired in this district I was sat down by Mr. Stratton and asked to do one thing – make sure I care for the children of Perth Amboy as if they were my own. In Karen Moffatt I see that level of commitment and fortitude to accomplish that mission. She has put in many long hours and has sacrificed personally to make sure that Richardson school was opened and smoothly run on September 6, 2012 and has continued to do so every day since. I am repeatedly grateful that I have such an administrator in my building and I implore you to recognize the treasure that you have in your midst.

I thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.


Jennifer C. Poandl

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