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Christie Administration Announces Extension of FEMA Transitional Sheltering Assistance Program

Sandy-Displaced Families Can Receive Assistance Through March 8, 2013

Contact Michael Drewniak or Kevin Roberts 609-777-2600

Trenton – The Christie Administration today announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) Program has been extended at the Administration’s request for an additional 14 days to the end of March 8, 2013. The extension means eligible households can receive TSA assistance through March 8 with a check-out date of March 9, 2013.

“Many Sandy-displaced families have not been able to locate more permanent housing through no fault of their own,” said Governor Christie. “We thank FEMA for recognizing this reality by again extending the Transitional Sheltering Assistance Program. The extension will give these families additional time to work out a housing solution that meets their needs.”

FEMA activated its Transitional Sheltering Assistance program in the immediate aftermath of Superstorm Sandy at New Jersey’s request. The program allows eligible survivors who cannot return to their homes because of damage caused by the storm to stay in participating hotels or motels until more suitable housing is available. Individuals and households in the program had to register with FEMA for assistance; pass identity verification; and demonstrate that they are displaced from a primary residence located in a geographic area that is designated for TSA.

“For most of us, the havoc that Superstorm Sandy caused is over and life is almost back to normal. However, the lives of many families remain upended, and they continue to need assistance,” said New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Commissioner Richard E. Constable, III. “We will continue to work with FEMA, the New Jersey Department of Human Services, the American Red Cross, and county welfare agencies in helping these families find more permanent housing.”

In approving this latest TSA extension, FEMA set forth more stringent conditions for eligibility. Households are not eligible for extension if they have previously checked out of TSA hotels, their caseworkers recommend they not be extended, or they received housing assistance from a county program before Superstorm Sandy hit. Also, new families will not be eligible for the program unless FEMA’s Federal Coordinating Officer for New Jersey or his designee approves eligibility based on an extraordinary circumstance.

To help displaced families locate permanent housing, the DCA has partnered with the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency and with the non-profit organization to frequently update and add new rental listings to the New Jersey Housing Resource Center, which is a free service for people in search of affordable housing and for landlords who are looking to provide housing.

Owners of rental housing – be it furnished or unfurnished, with short-term leases or long-term leases – are urged to list available rental units on the Housing Resource Center. FEMA and relief workers are using the online site everyday to aid storm survivors locate housing. Landlords are also encouraged to adjust lease terms if needed to accommodate displaced families.

As of today, approximately 1,080 Sandy-displaced New Jersey residents are being housed through the TSA program.

Individuals who have questions regarding their eligibility should contact the FEMA helpline at 1-800-621-3362 (FEMA).

To register with FEMA, call the phone number listed above or on the Internet.

News Release  February 21, 2013

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