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EDITORIAL: Putting Our Heads on the Chopping Block

As I’ve stated before, I don’t own a television so I listen to a lot of talk radio. Recently, I heard a discussion about the Cardinals gathering to choose a new Pope. I know a lot of people were upset about the Pope stepping down, since he was the first Pope to do this in 600 years. When Pope Benedict XVI gave his reasons for retiring, I understood. In essence he said, “I did not have the strength of mind and body to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me.”

I salute Pope Benedict XVI for his wisdom to recognize that the needs of the people supersedes the needs of himself.

There are people who walk away from careers that they were forced into because of family tradition and what was expected of them (carry on family business for example.)

Age is not always a factor when someone walks away from a career or vocation. You can become burned out at any age at any time.

To all of the reports circulating about sex scandals in the church. All I can say is that there have been scandals in all religions. You can probably come up with names of well known religious leaders and perhaps some in your own congregation.

Getting into another subject in regards to religion. When Superstorm Sandy hit, there were a lot of places of worship who also sustained damage. There were Bills pending in the legislature as to whether or not these houses of worship should be awarded funds to help in rebuilding. My answer is positively, “yes.”

Long before Hurricane Sandy, houses of worship (the parishioners) were there to feed, and clothe less fortunate. Many times, houses of worship were there before the government became involved. So the argument about houses of worship being tax exempt does not fall into the equation. Because of their importance to the community in times of great need makes them (to me) automatically eligible to receive funding to get them operational as quickly as possible.

When a person comes into a soup kitchen that is run by a house of worship, they are not asked to fill out a form revealing their religious affiliation or financial situation. All the parishioners are worried about is that the person coming in for help is taken care of.

Some houses of worship had food pantries that were destroyed in Superstorm Sandy. Clients depend on food pantries on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Where did these clients go when those food pantries were destroyed?

Sometimes common sense is needed instead of political upmanship.


Even if you are a politician (elected or appointed) if you cannot perform your duties then it is your obligation to step down and make room for someone who is capable.

If houses of worship were damaged in Superstorm Sandy they should be eligible for funding like anyone else. They did not turn anyone away after the storm hit. They did not ask these people their political or religious affiliations or financial situation.


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