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Letter to the Editor: An Open Letter to Perth Amboy

In less than two weeks, Perth Amboy voters will once again be visiting the polls to elect those who will represent them in various local offices. Before casting their ballots, Perth Amboy voters need to look closely at the candidates, many of whom are running on records they claim show how they have benefited the City.

As someone who has experienced local politics from the inside, and as a lifelong Perth Amboy resident, I have a unique perspective even now as a member of the electorate. Growing up, Perth Amboy was my home because my parents made that choice. As an adult, I have made the choice to remain in Perth Amboy and plant roots in the community including starting my business and joining local community organizations. I, like most residents of this City, want to see it thrive.

In that vein, it is frustrating to see the downturn in the quality of life that has been experienced in recent years. There are fewer police officers and fire personnel protecting us, trash services have been cut, and there is more drug and violent crime on the streets. Adding insult to injury is the fact that despite all of these cuts, taxes have increased even as the real estate market bottomed out.

The dynamic that this has caused in the City is apparent to homeowners and residents. The market cannot sustain expenses and yet maintenance costs are increasing on properties in the City. Properties sit vacant because it doesn’t make sense for families to purchase homes which will result in monthly payments that are double than what their mortgage payment would be because of property taxes. Add to this the concern of parents with school age children given the state of our City’s schools. Why are we paying taxes as high as most Blue Ribbon districts without the benefit of schools of that same caliber?

We deserve better. We deserve a City that has an economic development plan to help create a more successful, pro-business environment. We deserve a City that tries to stabilize taxes and create new jobs by reclaiming underutilized and abandoned industrial property. We deserve a City that encourages home buying by keeping taxes stable and encourages first time home buyers to buy in this City. We also deserve a school system that provides learning opportunities to succeed in college or obtain a good paying job after high school graduation.

Sadly, the facts speak for themselves. Perth Amboy has actually moved backwards over the past six years. Those who promised unity, stability, prosperity for our City, and a better quality of life for us, have failed us. Even those who formerly opposed the current administration have now aligned themselves with the same politicians they once criticized. Things will never change if we keep electing the same people with a track record of broken promises.

As citizens, we cannot expect change without being involved. I urge all citizens of this City to be an active voice in our government. Cast your vote on Election Day! Perth Amboy’s future depends on it.

Respectfully submitted,

Joseph “JB” Vas, Esq., MBA
Attorney at Law- Vas Law, LLC

One Response to “Letter to the Editor: An Open Letter to Perth Amboy”

  1. Mike Reed says:

    Joel Pabon & Bill Pretick gave PA fewer police officers and fire personnel

    Joel Pabon & Bill Pretick gave PA more drugs and violent crime

    Joel Pabon & Bill Pretick gave PA higher property taxes

    Joel Pabon & Bill Pretick gave PA a false story about the city’s debt

    Joel Pabon & Bill Pretick actually moved Perth Amboy backwards

    People are still going to vote for them, because money talks and the good guys have very little cash to spread around in the campaign.


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