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Editorial: Disgusted

The four girls killed in 16th Street Baptist Church bombing (Clockwise from top left, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson and Denise McNair)

The four girls killed in 16th Street Baptist Church bombing (Clockwise from top left, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson and Denise McNair)

If you are not familiar with any of the young people in the photos, your homework assignment is to look them up.

Andrew Goodman

Andrew Goodman

I am heartbroken and upset about what has happened in Ferguson, MO, and it is not for the reason you may think. The three young men pictured together on top of this page were killed in the ’60’s for trying to help people in the South to register to vote. The young girls were killed while attending church services in the ‘60’s. The young man with the hat (see his story under his photo).

To elevate Michael Brown in the same category as to what happened to these young people makes me sick to my stomach. Those pictured did not intimidate anyone or disobey the law.

In the case of Michael Brown, for some reason people wish not to dissect what happened that day. Brown was caught on tape stealing and intimidating a clerk in the store that he had just robbed. A Police Officer responded to a call describing the suspect. Brown drew even more attention to himself by walking in the middle of the street with his accomplice. The world knows that Brown was fatally shot.

I’m not going into any more details because there were 3 independent autopsies done that all came to the same conclusion.

Looting, rioting and burning down businesses occurred on the night that Brown was shot. Isn’t it ironic that a lot of businesses that either were owned by Blacks or had Black employees were looted and/or destroyed.

James Chaney

James Chaney

Here we talked about the unemployment rate being the highest amongst Blacks and looking at the video of the looters, it appears that most of them, unfortunately were Black.

I always look at the comments that were made after reading the articles related to the unrest in Ferguson. Some are so crude that it’s hard for me to repeat what was said. This is the sad part. There are so many Blacks who have overcome so much and are successful who can be role models for anyone. Yet, there are those who use Michael Brown as an example of a hero.

There are people who are close to me who have served time. But here’s the difference: They learned their lesson, came out strong and my chest swells with how proud I am of them.

There were calls to make the traditional day after Thanksgiving known as Black Friday as “Blackout Black Friday for Ferguson.” Blackout Black Friday day was targeting the big retailers, urging consumers not to spend any money to honor Michael Brown.

I have an even better idea. Before the unfortunate Incident happened in Ferguson, you may have set aside a certain amount of money to spend on Black Friday. Now you decided to participate in the Blackout Black Friday Day. Because of the boycott you decided not to go shopping. Too bad the organizers of Blackout Day didn’t set up an account so the boycotters could contribute  money to the small businesses that were destroyed in Ferguson.

Michael  Schwerner


Yes, we have a freedom of speech and people are allowed to protest. But, for the life of me – I don’t know what this protest is about! Especially when people have their hands raised above their heads.

Read the reports, people! This is NOT the way it happened!

The protesters need to converge on Ferguson, MO again. But this time, with an apology for disrupting the lives of the residents and destroying the dreams of those who worked so hard to own their own businesses and to watch them go up in flames. Did you ever think as you were destroying these businesses about the residents who may have had prescriptions waiting to be picked up?! What about those who use neighborhood stores to pick up groceries or everyday necessities? They may be forced to use public transportation that is not in their budget.

Protesting now is so easy and so convenient. The Police basically have their hands tied.

You should Google footage from the ‘60’s to see how peaceful protestors who did not destroy property were treated. It was not unusual to see Police besides their standard weapons being accompanied with dogs, batons and hoses to confront protesters. The protestors were sometimes dragged by their feet into paddy-wagons.

For those who claim about Whites always looking down on Blacks, you need to look closely at those marching alongside Blacks during those turbulent times. Some of the  White supporters came from very comfortable homes, leaving their loved ones behind for the cause.

Discovery of the remains of the 3 bodies of the Civil Rights Workers (pictured above)

Discovery of the remains of the 3 bodies of the Civil Rights Workers (pictured above)

Emmett Till - Murdered at Age 14 in the mid 1950’s. His crime - “Flirting with a Married White Woman.” His murderers were acquitted of his kidnapping and murder but later confessed to the crime.

Emmett Till – Murdered at Age 14 in the mid 1950’s. His crime – “Flirting with a Married White Woman.” His murderers were acquitted of his kidnapping and murder but later confessed to the crime.

Getting back to the protestors of today – what do you gain by blocking roadways, bridges and tunnels? Did you ever think that there may be an emergency and by your actions, someone may have died? Then you have some of the protestors in Ferguson who decided to throw bricks and boulders from the top of bridges onto the roadway below. Did you ever think of the innocent people that may have been killed in those vehicles?

I tried not to be harsh and not lump all protestors into one group, but in this instance too many seemed to come from a liked mind.

In conclusion, anyone can turn themselves around. In some school systems, there are suggested reading materials for students while they are on summer vacation. I suggest  one of them: The name of the book is called: The Pact: Three Young Men Make a Promise and Fulfill a Dream by Sampson Davis, George Jenkins and Rameck Hunt.

By your actions you can be the cause of your own downfall. One can be one’s own worst enemy. Let’s just make sure, when we elevate someone to a hero’s status, that they are worthy of such an honor.

Again, remember, those pictured on page 4. They were honorable. Carolyn M.

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