Categorized | 1 News Release, Notices

Public Notice: Middlesex Water Company Warns Against Imposters Posing As Utility Personnel

Press Release 1/8/15

MiddlesexWaterCoISELIN – Middlesex Water Company is urging customers to be on the alert for individuals claiming to be water company representatives. Recently, the company has learned of incidents in its service area, where imposters, often working with another person, will pose as water company representatives, and will attempt to gain entry to a customer’s home to check water quality or meter piping. Often, while the customer is distracted while complying with a request to check their tap or fixture, they will later discover they have been burglarized. The Company is urging customers to be wary of any water utility representative seeking to gain access to their home, to carefully check for company name and identification and to contact Middlesex Water’s Customer Service Department at 800-549-3802 to verify the authenticity of the employee before allowing entrance. If a customer suspects a person or persons to be posing as water utility representatives, they are encouraged to get a detailed description of the parties in question and to notify the police immediately.

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Safety Announcement

We are taking safety precautions in the City of Perth Amboy, and emphasize that it is important: IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING!!
Report Suspicious Activity – Be Vigilant – STAY ALERT! Do not think that any call or report is too small. Don’t allow the actions of a few dictate your quality of life.