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Putting it to Rest

Dorothy Daniel

Dorothy Daniel

PERTH AMBOY – There were three applicants for the one position open for a Housing Authority Commissioner. Dorothy Daniel who was seeking reappointment to her expired term was the only candidate to  show up at the 2/9/15 Caucus Meeting to be interviewed.

During her interview, Daniel listed what she and the other Commissioners had accomplished since she was first appointed.

The Council brought up concerns that some speakers had questioned in regards to the Housing Authority projects, finances and salaries.

Ms. Daniel said,  “People came up to speak about one entity in particular called PARTNER. What they said was not true.”

“HUD (Housing and Urban Development) had awarded us funds. Any funds not used would have to be returned back to them. HUD gave us options so we could keep the unused money. One of those options is to create a nonprofit for purposes of redevelopment, etc. In the past, a now former Commissioner said that money awarded to us was misused. The building on New Brunswick Avenue (Parkview) was built with that money.”

“PARTNER was only 4 years old at that time. We had to hire architects, developers, contractors, etc. for these projects. No federal laws were broken. The person who made false accusations about finances was the Finance Chair during that time. He said there was misappropriation of funds.”

Daniel gave out copies of material to the Council to back up her statement. In the past Ms. Daniel had provided information to the Council and B.A. all materials that they had requested pertaining to any Housing Authority and PARTNER issues.

Councilman Fernando Gonzalez who resigned as a Housing Commissioner when he decided to run for City Council said some of the questions presented to Ms. Daniel was out of order. “This Council has no jurisdiction over the Housing Authority. PARTNER is a redevelopment arm of the Housing Authority.”

Former Commissioner Pedro Perez is one of the people who questioned the PARTNER entity at this meeting as well a previous ones. He stated that there was mishandling of finances in PARTNER. He emphasized the years between 2003 thru 2010. He said he was never a member of the PARTNER Board. He questioned $250,000 which he said should have been spent on housing for low income residents. A good portion of that money was spent on salaries for an executive director, an accountant and a secretary.

“If you are satisfied after getting information from Ms. Daniel, then reappoint her,” Perez said.

Councilman Fernando Gonzalez said that we need to put a rest to this. This has been going on a long time with the Housing Authority practices being questioned.  Ms. Daniel was appointed to the Housing Authority as a Commissioner for a term ending on December 31, 2015.

Petrick moved the resolution, Pabon seconded it. It was passed unanimously.

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