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Hubberman says Police Blotter Needed

Sharon Hubberman and Deputy Chief Larry Cattano engage in a conversation after the 3/25/15 Council Meeting

Sharon Hubberman and Deputy Chief Larry Cattano engage in a conversation after the 3/25/15 Council Meeting

3/25/15 Council Meeting

PERTH AMBOY – Resident Sharon Hubberman was concerned about unreported crimes. Hubberman talked about the incident on 2/14/15 where a fatal shooting occurred on the intersections of Amboy Avenue, Washington Street and Barclay. “When I approached the police that day, I was told that there was an accident and I found out the next day it was a shooting.  I heard about a gun holdup at Ludwig’s Pharmacy. My mother who owns a business on Amboy Avenue was cautioned to close up early because of gun holdups. We need a police blotter so people know about the crime going on in the City. My mom has to lock her door for her own safety. People in the community tell us what’s going on. On State and Smith Street businesses pay a special assessment tax. Who wants to do business in Perth Amboy with these problems going on?”

Deputy Chief Larry Cattano came up to answer Hubberman’s concerns, “The incident that happened on February 14th – at first we didn’t have any immediate information and listed it as an accident initially. With the armed robbery at Ludwig’s Pharmacy, we had to wait for more information before a press release could be issued. We have issued warnings (in Spanish) to a lot of businesses that are off the beaten track. We post a lot of information about criminal activities on Nixle, Instagram, and Facebook.”

In this edition of the Amboy Guardian, the Press Release from the Police Department issued on 3/27/15 has the details that occurred regarding the armed robbery at Ludwig’s Pharmacy. (See page 16 “Police Blotter.”)

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