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It Doesn’t Pay to Find Out – 4/20/15 Caucus

PERTH AMBOY – With the additional monies that the City has to pay for the special election, Resident Alan Silber questioned why the election couldn’t be held the same day as the primary. “Did anyone petition the Judge to hold a special election later?”

Mayor Diaz stated, “Superior Court Judge Currier decided on May 12th and suggested that instead of people coming to the Council to complain about this, they should go to see the Judge instead. I even questioned it myself as to why this special election couldn’t be held on the same day in June.”

City Clerk Elaine Jasko said, “The election had to be held within 45-50 days from when the order of the Judge’s rendering of the decision (3/25/15).”

Earlier in the meeting, Silber had read an article that was in a website called The header of the article was, “Judge Flubs Case – Nov. 19, 2014.” The Judge that was mentioned in the article was Judge Currier. A judgment that Currier had made was sent back to her. “This is key.”

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