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Backlash over New Acting City Attorney; Diaz Defends Her Choice

Resident David Caba addresses the Council at the 9/9/15 Caucus & Council Meeting                       *Photo by Katherine Massopust

Resident David Caba addresses the Council at the 9/9/15 Caucus & Council Meeting *Photo by Katherine Massopust

By: Katherine Massopust

PERTH AMBOY – The Caucus and Council Meeting were both held on Wednesday, 9/9/15 due to the Labor Day Holiday. Council President Lisa Nanton was not present so Councilman Joel Pabon conducted the meetings.

The appointment of Arlene Quinones Perez, Esq. of DeCotlis, FitzPatrick & Cole, LLP as Acting Law Director effective September 1, 2015 at the 9/9/15 Caucus and Council Meeting received backlash from some Council Attendees.

Former Councilman Ken Balut expressed his displeasure, “I did research. We’re hiring the firm – not her! The law firm is what you’re hiring. There’s the problem here. The taxpayers are paying her! This stuff has to change! How to spend the money!”

Local Businesswoman Virginia Lugo stated her feelings about the appointment, “Women should be in a position of power. The Mayor mentioned she hired a Latina Lawyer – there’s a due process.” Lugo continued, “I started the Women’s Open Center (a group for women helping women and to help provide resources for their specific needs) and gave the Mayor a proposal. She (Wilda Diaz) has been here since 2007 and nothing has happened. Ms. Quinones made a speech and she made no apologies. Kudos to her!”

Resident David Caba said, “The Hispanic Bar Association in New Jersey – You said you should contact that organization and interview a prominent Dominican Lawyer – not to get the job – or at least interview for that job.”

Councilman Fernando Gonzalez answered, “I do not hire anyone.”

“You were quick to say yes!” (Referring to the 8/10/15 Caucus and Council Meeting where Fernando Gonzalez voted yes to the addition of the late starter approving the appointment of Quinones as City Attorney) “Did you research her? That’s what you said at the last meeting!”

Caba continued, “Under Obama, the Labor Secretary is Dominican. You said you did research! When there’s a position for a head coach – an African-American must be interviewed – even if he doesn’t get the job! We want to be a part of the choice. It’s a matter of the process. Go down the list! There are no Dominicans in a position of power in Perth Amboy – One Dominican – Irving Lozada (The Mayor’s Aide)! It’s a matter of the process!”

Councilman Joel Pabon answered, “If someone is qualified, we’ll give them our time.”

Resident Stanley Sierakowski spoke about Quinones, “Do we have 90 days? (Probationary Period)”

The Council answered, “Yes.”

Sierakowski continued, “Mayor Diaz vowed she would only run for two terms. It’s down – the quality of life. She got into a fight with Senator Vitale who wanted to keep money in Perth Amboy so there could be a fundraiser.  Make alliances for the Mayor. Mayor – get a dog to eat a dog! That’s how it’s done! I’ll be Mayor for a third term. She could be worth millions of dollars. Mayor Diaz is just too blind to see it.”

Pastor Bernadette Falcon Lopez made her statement: “I have a multicultural family. I make it my business to know who is in office. I asked to have a meeting. Her (Quinones) credentials are amazing. Everything I saw was positive. Her qualifications are impeccable. The same people are complaining – we should stop complaining. There are some amazing things here, too. Get to know this woman.”

Local Businesswoman Susan Batista offered her opinion, “The appointment of the new Law Director – the way it was conducted – you’re supposed to give adequate notice in the clerk’s office. We want to know why. Is this the way you do business?”

Resident Alan Silber said, “The way Mr. Blunda was treated – why was Mr. Blunda let go? If you are going to hire an Attorney – this is an important decision – why are you making it a late starter? You don’t have a late starter to hire a lawyer. You’re lucky Mr. Irizarry voted “No.” It’s an inappropriate use of a late starter. I expect more professionalism than to let go of a Law Director in such a shameful manner.”

Silber continued, “We’re going through a process of hiring an Attorney for the BID who is extremely well qualified. Seven years as Mayor – are there no qualified Dominicans? Is there nobody here that recognized that fact? Fernando Gonzalez said that he will not vote for anyone that doesn’t live in this City. Can I (Fernando Gonzalez) ask my son (Daniel Gonzalez who is a lawyer) who is a qualified attorney? In seven years she hasn’t found one?”

A disgusted Mayor Diaz offered her remarks at the end of the Caucus. “I just want to take you back to 2008. Not one person ever questioned my hiring of Mark Blunda (City Attorney). Not one question – neither for Greg Fehrenbach (B.A.) No one questioned the lawyer at that time. I have worked with Arlene Quinones in the Latino Community throughout the State of New Jersey. I find her to be an excellent lawyer. The fact that no one challenged Mr. Blunda . . . we were making changes. I believe in her abilities to represent the City. Arlene will be the next President of the Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey. The Statewide Association Attorney of the Year – I did reach out. I did my homework. I was in Trenton and spoke to other Mayors. Not everyone is going to agree. A U.S. District Court of New Jersey Judge recommended her – Attorney of the Year! Read the recommendations!”

Diaz later stated at the end of the Council Meeting, “I welcome Arlene Quinones Perez. We have to be grateful that they are helping the City. Today (9/9/15) I spent the day in Trenton. We are planning the redevelopment of the Celotex property – Brownfield cleanups and bring rateable’s to the City. We have so much going on here – the creation of jobs here in our City. That’s what I’ve been working on! They think I’m all wine and cheese! They are so wrong! People come up here and disparage what we have done. I give them a better place than what we got in 2008. No one got a tax increase this year! No one ever questions men when they are hired! Her (Quinones) credentials are 100% by representing the Attorney General. I am working very hard. I looked at an entire law firm!”

Councilman Joel Pabon commented at the end of the meeting, “We don’t always mention the positive things enough. We have to mention the positive things. Out of 65,000 people we have 10 that make noise. We need to walk and look around. We need to sell ourselves more.”

The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.


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