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THE COMMUNITY VOICE: Letters to the Editor

Library Open

LetterI see the library is open for business and ready to serve the community for the city residents. How nice. The inside looks wonderful – like a new building. I was in SHOCK! What a job they did on repairing this old building. The Perth Amboy Public Library is a place where many of our citizens have a place to go and get many books and use the computers FOR FREE. Many of us have been waiting a long time for the library to open and that day has come. However, this came with a very high price tag to rebuild this 112 year old building. So, we as the concerned citizens are very happy about the opening of the library. We want to thank the Mayor, City Council Members and the Library Staff for making this happen.

Orlando “Wildman” Perez

A Job Well Done

I would like to acknowledge another job well done by Police Chief Larry Cattano and the Motorcycle Officers and Police Officers.

A few weeks ago, Elizabeth Mullen, the mother of a very good friend of mine passed away. She was the wife of former Police Chief of Police Edward J. Mullen.

Police Chief Cattano, in recognition  of the outstanding work performed by Chief Mullen, had the police escort the funeral procession to Mrs. Mullen’s final resting place. Needless to say, the Motorcycle Officers and Police Officers that participated did an outstanding job.

I am grateful, as I am sure the Mullen Family is, and would like to thank the police officers for a job well done.

Citizens of Perth Amboy should be proud of our Chief and all of the men and women of the Police Department for their hard work and the professional way they perform their duties during the course of a day.

Thank you for another job well done.

I remain, Semper Fi

Rocky DeNardo

USMC Veteran/Boxer

The Causes of Gun Violence

Why has there been an outbreak of gun violence? One unmentionable answer is: “it’s the economy”. Economic hardships create other problems as well (as during the Great Depression of the 1930s).

When the 1968 Gun Control Act was passed the total violent deaths by firearm was 15,000 (8,000 suicides, 7,000 murders). There are always more suicides than murders, but these are buried in the back pages and are seldom front page news. Since then, and with other laws, the number of violent deaths by firearms escalated to about 43,000 even though the population went up by less than half. Should we repeat actions that haven’t worked in the past? Some of these killers had passed all “background checks”, such as that Army Major in Texas.

Gun Prohibitionists falsely claim that the Second Amendment should not apply to modern products. Yet the authors of the Bill of Rights used the widest possible language. If the Gun Prohibitionists are honest would they allow the unrestricted sale of single shot firearmsse?

Another unmentionable answer is the use of psycho-tropic drugs. Some say Prozac and others were a contributing factor in mass shootings. We’ve all heard about the effects of steroids. Is there a long-term effect from all the chemicals (like coloring) put into packaged foods? Are some manufacturers removing these chemical colorings?

Rarely mentioned is the effect of the economic policies of higher taxes and lower wages. In 1968 someone earning the minimum wage of $1.50 would owe no income taxes with the $3,000 standard deduction. Compare that to a $15 minimum wage today! I suggest we adopt a $75,000/$40,000 married/single standard income tax deduction. Whenever you buy a domestically produced product you are paying for the taxes included in the price. Imports pay no income tax so there should a 30% tariff on imported goods and services. Restoring a tax rate of 60% on incomes over $400,000 should make up the difference. This follows the original intent of the income tax law passed after the XVI Amendment. Restoring full employment with good jobs at good pay can avoid the problems caused by unemployment and low-paying jobs.

This policy would also increase income equality and the benefits that follow. The 1950s and 1960s were the best time for most people in the 20th century because of their prosperity and tax laws for income equality. There were other changes of course, but there were no Gun Control laws on the Federal level or in most states then, and no school shootings either.

Ronald A. Sobieraj

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