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Operating Cost Requested

Interim Business Administrator Peter Pelissier

Interim Business Administrator
Peter Pelissier

Councilman Fernando Gonzalez

Councilman Fernando Gonzalez

PERTH AMBOY – 12/7/15 Caucus – Councilman Fernando Gonzalez requested the monthly cost of operating the YMCA building.

At that point Chief Financial Officer Jill Goldy said she would have to go into the accounts related to that building. “When bills come in for HVAC; the bills are not separated as to how much is for each portion.”

Interim B.A. Peter Pelissier said, “The Law Director and I are working on this. We’ve had two meetings with the Y and this will be discussed in closed session.”

Councilman Joel Pabon said, “I’ve noticed that the months of December, January and February are the biggest contracting bills for the YMCA.”

Councilman Joel Pabon

Joel Pabon

At the 12/9/15 Council Meeting Resident Stanley Sierakowski said, “The CFO (Jill Goldy) should have records and contracts as to what was done at each City building and she should have a hard copy.

In response, Interim B.A. Peter Pelissier praised CFO Jill Goldy. “Some public comments were false. The CFO was disparaged. She is an outstanding and hardworking employee with lots of experience. She is the first one here and the last one to leave. She does a lot of work herself. What that resident called her was disingenuous.”

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