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Answering the Critics

1/13/16 Council Meeting

Lisa Nanton

Council President

PERTH AMBOY – Interim Business Administrator Peter Pelissier told those in attendance that the Mayor is working hard to keep taxes flat and the City clean. “We will be using the street sweepers on the weekends. The promotion of the Sergeant was done correctly. It took a 17 year old (see editorial p. 4) to tell us what we already know – to see the positive in the City.”

Pelissier gave a big compliment to a small department that does a huge amount of work – the Vital Statistics Department. “They have issued approximately 4498 birth certificates, 900 marriage licenses and 1600 death certificates.” He also wanted to congratulate the Police and Fire Departments for the work that they do.

Mayor Diaz came up to speak stating, “We live in a great  country. I work with a lot of hard working people all of the departments. We have many young students. Some are out-of-towners. We keep them busy by providing programs. It’s disheartening to hear how people who live out of town perceive us. We have young people who do cleanups. The Arts Council is booming. We have students who applied to sit on that board. We still have a huge debt. It’s finding a balance and we have made great inroads.”

After the Mayor spoke, Law Director Arlene Quinones Perez made remarks, “I can’t discuss open litigations. We have applicants for the Business Administrator position. A lot of people do not have thick skins to sit here and be disparaged. We (Myself and the B.A.) are not elected officials. If I could have Peter Peliessier here for another 5 years, I would welcome that.”

Quinones also responded to a request that Councilman Fernando Gonzalez had about the complaints still being lodged against the poultry place on Amboy Avenue. Perez said, “That business is scheduled to appear in court on January 20th for violations and their license is up for renewal this year.”

City Clerk Elaine Jasko responded to a question about whether there is a list of all the businesses in the City. “In the past the Office of Community Development used to have that list. I imagine that the BID would have a list of the businesses.”

Earlier during the public portion, an Alpine Street Resident had a complaint against a Police Officer and a Municipal Judge whom he accused both of harassing him.

At the end of the meeting, during the Council remarks, Councilman Joel Pabon said, “That resident made very serious  accusations that are not to be taken lightly. I want to assure that resident that this will be looked into.”

Council President Lisa Nanton applauded the young people of the City and pointed out how they have helped in cleanups and helped out at the Propriety House. Nanton also pointed out that the AUL(Academy of Urban Leadership) Charter School has a leadership program in place.

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