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Moving On

1/11/16 Caucus

Interim Business Administrator Peter Pelissier

Interim Business Administrator
Peter Pelissier

PERTH AMBOY – Interim B.A. Peter Pelissier who has been scrutinized since before his arrival told those in attendance at the 1/11/16 Caucus Meeting that he will be leaving before the end of February. “By the end of January to early February, you (the City) should have a permanent Business Administrator in place. I told the Mayor of my decision.”

Pelissier also told the Council that he recommended that their be a special presentation by Middlesex Water Company and the USA-PA. “The City is leaking a tremendous amount of water (approximately 1 million gallons). We have many expensive projects coming up that will need to utilize water and wastewater utilities. If new businesses don’t have a enough water supply for their needs, they will not come.”

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