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The Public Speaks Out: Questions on BID Budget

1/13/16 Council Meeting

BID Chairman Barry Rosengarten

BID Chairman
Barry Rosengarten

PERTH AMBOY – BID Chair Barry Rosengarten answered some of the concerns that Council President Lisa Nanton had on the BID 2016 Budget. The first question was regarding the Facade Program.

Rosengarten gave 2 examples of businesses that took advantage of this program: He mentioned the Vas Building on the corner of Smith and High Street which received new signage. “The second business that took advantage of this was the Superior Diner located at 464 Smith Street. The program pays up to 50% of a cost not exceeding $5000. The BID has a committee that reviews every application. The committee meets with the applicant. Only after the applicant completes their improvements and the project meets the approved criteria will a check be given to them.”

Nanton wanted to know what the fringe benefits were of the Clean Team Program.

Rosengarten didn’t have that particular information readily available.

Nanton was glad to see that part of the Downtown Beautification Program will include hanging planters.

Rosengarten said, “We are looking at bids for that right now.”

Nanton questioned the items for Planning and Development.

Rosengarten said, “Besides the planters, there will also be discussions on the placement of benches in the downtown area.”

Nanton then asked, “Regarding the 5 Year Beautification Plan – what year are we in?”

Rosengarten responded, “I think we are in Year Number 3.”

Former Councilman Ken Balut had concerns about the BID Budget: “We’ve had all these presentations about improving the downtown. There is $100,000 in the BID budget for insurance. People were given money for signs (new businesses) and they closed shortly afterwards. People who get the most money are the ones who already have money. People who live in Harbortown commute to Woodbridge to get transportation to go to work.”

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