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Dual Language Academy Board Certified Teachers Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent’s Report

2/11/16 Board of Education Meeting

BoardOfEducationPABy: Katherine Massopust

PERTH AMBOY – During the Superintendent’s Report, Dr. David Roman stated, “Students are engaging in meaningful activities, higher order thinking and a nurturing environment.”

Dr. Roman continued to praise the staff on their hard work during the recent snow storm. “Snow had an impact on the community.”

Dr. Roman went on to speak about the Dual Language Academy at the building that used to be Our Lady of Peace School, now being utilized by the Perth Amboy BOE, “The importance of dual languages – we’re not just going to open up a building without engaging teachers, parents and meet with them. What we need is to have a successful dual language program.”

In reference to the new high school, “How do we build it into our High School.? We will meet with the SDA and include everyone (input) into the new High School. Where we are and what we’re doing – our workforce is not viewed as a challenge.”

Assistant Superintendent Dr. Vivian Rodriguez gave her report which included a report on violence in all the schools. She first praised the Nationally Board Certified Teachers of which Perth Amboy has eleven in our school system making the Perth Amboy District in the top 5 school systems statewide. “Tonight we are especially proud to embark on revitalizing the Perth Amboy School District. The Members of the Board of Education support the Board Certified Teachers. In September of 2016 we are planning to offer technical support on site.”

Board Members Jose Rodriguez, Anthony Bermudez and Ken Puccio were not present.

See related stories about the Perth Amboy Board of Education in this week’s news:

Five Points by Board President Lebreault

Discussion about changing Board of Education election time

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