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LetterI wish to correct the erroneous information reported by your newspaper regarding John Dyke’s presentation to the City Council on 3/9/16.

When John referred to the restoration of the historic ferry slip in his remarks, he in no way gave credit to MOPA (Museums of Perth Amboy) or the three individuals you mention.

The Waterfront Association to Effect Restoration (W.A.T.E.R.) was formed by the late Rose Macan Booz in 1977 for the express purpose of restoring the decaying ferry slip at the foot of Smith Street. After her untimely passing in 1980, Barbara Rokicki-Booz was elected President and John Dyke, Vice-President. We applied and received historic site status, and our membership was close to 200 members.

We entered into an Agreement with the USN Seabees who were stationed at the adjacent Naval Armory and they provided construction assistance. The ferry slip was stabilized, and in 1998 it was completely restored with the help of the City administration and a Federal Grant provided by the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg.

After the W.A.T.E.R. organization was dissolved, the City of Perth Amboy appointed a Director. The ferry slip housed a “Welcome Center” and a Maritime Museum. However, much to my disappointment, the jewel that we worked so hard to restore is rarely open.

Very truly yours,

Barbara J. Rokicki-Booz

President W.A.T.E.R. Inc.

Statement on Election

“Today, the Honorable Arthur Bergman sitting in Middlesex County Superior Court heard oral argument on the Perth Amboy Board of Education’s (“Board”) petition to restrain the City of Perth Amboy (“City”) from moving school board elections back to November 2016.  Judge Bergman issued a decision from the bench, finding that the Board’s January 12th resolution was not valid, in substantive part, because based on his interpretation of N.J.S.A. 19:60-1.1 and school laws, a board of education may never shorten the terms of its board members by moving elections to April.  Instead, the Judge outlined specific procedures for moving the November elections to April moving forward.  The Judge is expected to issue an order consistent with his bench ruling by end of the week, which will detail those requirements.

The Perth Amboy Board of Education is very satisfied with Judge Bergman’s findings, and looks forward to the opportunity to move elections to a time where it benefits the community the most, and when educational issues can be the focus.  In light of Judge Bergman’s decision, the Perth Amboy Board of Education takes this opportunity to advise the public that school board elections for the Perth Amboy Board of Education will not be held on April 19, 2016.  The Board would like to thank the public for its patience in handling the confusion surrounding the election, created by the City’s actions. The Board continues to work tirelessly to ensure the interests of its students and the constituents it represents are being served, and that school issues are not overshadowed by political parties or city interests.”

Samuel Lebreault

President Perth Amboy Board of Education

Trying to Make an Impact

I was walking in a mall last week and observed a number of people who appeared to be confused, disoriented and alone. I nodded and said hello as I passed and some looked up and smiled; others continued to state into space and acted as though nothing had been said. I went on my way and later these people reentered my thoughts. What was weighing on them so heavily that someone taking an interest in them had no impact? Perhaps their problems were so deep that they could not respond or did not realize that they had been spoken to.

I have no answers to these questions but perhaps if more people took an interest in them or spoke to them it would encourage them to move forward with their lives or react to the attention being given to them.

One thing I am sure of, the people who take the time to speak to the quiet, unconnected people they see, will come away feeling that they tried to lift their spirits and perhaps made their lives better.

Robert A. Brown

Statement Read by Perth Amboy AFT President Pat Paradiso at the 3/23/16 Board of Education Meeting

Dear Dr. Roman,

It has come to the attention of the Federation that new procedures and/or practices are being enacted in the district regarding student participation in various events. Recently New York Yankee outfielder Carlos Beltran was denied access to the students of Perth Amboy High School because of this issue. It was explained to me no actual denial took place however: “the message conveyed centered more on our protocols and procedures set under the public school domain, which is to seek proper board approval. As a result, the timeframes for both parties were not in alignment, which then made it rather difficult to fulfill the request.”

Now I have been informed that students district-wide are being denied access the Perth Amboy Student Showcase. This is an art showcase our students have participated in for years where they gain recognition for their artistic talents. Staff was informed that students will not be allowed to participate as the event was not Board approved.

I have worked in this district for the past sixteen (16) years, serving as both Senior Class Advisor and Student Council Advisor and have conducted events where Board approval was never an issue. Similarly I have had guest speakers in my classes which did not require Board approval. If new procedures are being introduced, staff needs to be made aware of these changes in a timely fashion. This lack of communication by Central Administration is having a direct impact on our students. First students were deprived of hearing a nationally known athlete speak on the virtues of hard work and working hard and now students will not be allowed to display their proudest accomplishments.

I would ask that, going forward,, all changes that impact students and staff being clearly communicated in an appropriate time frame.


Pam Campbell

District Representative

CC: Board Members

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