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Council Comments on Dallas Police Shootings

7/13/16 Council Meeting

SOUTH AMBOY - Decorated South Amboy Police Car dedicated to the Dallas Police Officers located in front of South Amboy City Hall. *Photo by Carolyn Maxwell

SOUTH AMBOY – Decorated South Amboy Police Car dedicated to the Dallas Police Officers located in front of South Amboy City Hall. *Photo by Carolyn Maxwell

By: Katherine Massopust

SOUTH AMBOY – At the  beginning of the 7/13/16 Regular Council Meeting, there was a moment of silence for the Dallas Police Officers who were gunned down.

Council Vice-President Christine Noble presided over the Meeting since Council President Mickey Gross was absent.

Mayor Fred Henry thanked the Police Department, Fire Department, Department of Public Works and everyone for all their hard work they put in to make the Fireworks Display successful. “It was a great show, a team effort. Working with Perth Amboy, everybody did a great job to make it a success.”

Henry highlighted Resolution R-122 – Resolution for South Amboy Intermodal Center for Remediation of Conrail Spectraserve Properties.

“It took a lot of hard work to get the Ferry back into South Amboy. This is another step in order to make that happen.”

Henry then spoke about the recent Dallas shootings: “Our hearts and prayers go out to the families. We should never take our Police Officers for granted. I want to thank the Officers in Dallas for making the ultimate sacrifice. I also want to thank the South Amboy Police Officers for the memorial. (see photo above) We need to sit down and get something done. We have to find out why these things are happening.”

Councilwoman Zusette Dato  offered her feelings, “There are many people, many faces, many religions. Diversity is a good thing. What we need is respect and understanding. We all have to do our part.”

B.A. Camille Tooker spoke about the recent tragedy. “Our hearts go out to those lives lost in Dallas. Respect your Police Force. All lives matter.”

City Attorney John R. Lanza spoke next, “Our Police get up  in the morning every day and do their jobs. When the bullets fly, everyone runs away – they run toward it. It’s truly a tragedy. Police play a vital role in society. They help us day to day. Police are always first in line. They should not be taken for granted.”

“I have three Police Officers in my family,” Council Vice-President Christine Noble added.

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