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Vitale Statement on Governor’s CV of Motor-Voter Bill

Press Release 8/18/16

TRENTON – Senator Joseph F. Vitale issued the following statement in response to the governor’s conditional veto of legislation that would have improved voter participation by automatically registering individuals to vote as part of any application for a motor vehicle license:

“The governor is flat-out wrong in both his refusal to sign the bill and his mischaracterization of what it would accomplish. The legislation would improve voter participation and prevent any of the phantom abuses the governor claims could happen. The bill has the same type of effective anti-fraud provisions that are currently included on voter registration forms.

“Every American citizen has the right to vote, and automatic registration during license application or renewal will make it easier to exercise that right. This bill would have made it easier for citizens to register to vote and encourage greater participation in the democratic process while protecting vulnerable individuals.

“This is a voter participation and democracy bill that should have been signed into law.”

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