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Letter to the Editor: THE COMMUNITY VOICE

Are ‘Smart Guns’ Safe?

LetterA recent letter praised “smart guns” as a means to improve safety, but didn’t define “safety”. A gun that doesn’t work as expected may not really be safe for its user. “Smart guns” are a concept not a reality. If it can be personified for one user it can be changed for another, or even disabled. A gun that works for its owner wouldn’t stop any misuse, such as that shooting in Florida or other places. This is why the “smart gun” is a fantasy.

Those who advocate “smart guns” don’t understand the technical problems. While one pistol is said to have this feature, it uses the least powerful cartridge. Does that mean it won’t work with more powerful cartridges due to shock? Will it work in extreme heat or cold? Has this product been tested by an independent organization like “Consumer’s Reports”? Who will verify the product claims of a manufacturer? Air bags have been placed in cars for decades, why are there so many problems being reported? What if they fail when they are needed?

If one firearms manufacturer supports “smart guns” that implies they have a patent and would have a competitive advantage for their products. “Businesses favor policies that reward them financially.”

Ronald A. Sobieraj

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