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Having Her Say

9/14/16 Council Meeting

Maria Garcia

Maria Garcia

PERTH AMBOY – Former Planning Board Chair Maria Garcia was on the agenda to talk about appointments to the Planning Board.

She addressed her concerns, “At a prior Meeting, the Business Administrator (Adam Cruz) tried to smear former Planning Board Member Karen Kubulak and myself by reading a letter from the Wilentz Law Firm dated from 2014. Why wait two-and-half years after the letter was written would this come to light? We (Kubulak and myself) recused ourselves from some of the negotiations stated in this letter.”

Garcia continued, “We (Kubulak and myself) noticed many things that were not right with the Harbortown plans that the remaining Planning Board Members approved. I had worries that the Code Enforcement were not looking at the square footage required. Myself, Kubulak and another Planning Board Member (Maria Farber)   attended all required classes and seminars. Another Member was sent to Atlantic City for Classes and did not attend those required classes. They had to send them back to complete the classes wasting taxpayers dollars. The Mayor passed over the Alternate #1 to be a Regular Member. Funding was reallocated from the Planning Board to the Master Plan. Bicycle paths and other plans were implemented without input from the Planning Board Members. I’m asking the City Clerk to check the  terms of all the Planning Board Members.

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