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Diaz Speaks About Undocumented Immigrants

Mayor Wilda Diaz (R) takes a stance on Undocumented Immigrants. Sgt. Richard Zaleski (L) listens as Diaz makes her speech. *Photos by Paul W. Wang

Mayor Wilda Diaz (R) takes a stance on Undocumented Immigrants. Sgt. Richard Zaleski (L) listens as Diaz makes her speech.
*Photos by Paul W. Wang

Mayor/President of NJ Urban Mayors Association Holds Press Conference

By: Katherine Massopust

PERTH AMBOY – On Tuesday, 11/22/16 Mayor Wilda Diaz, President of the New Jersey Urban Mayor’s Association held a press conference in City Hall Circle in front of the Liberty Bell.

On the cold, windy day, Mayor Diaz spoke about the protection of Undocumented Residents in the City of Perth Amboy.

Diaz assured the residents that the names for Municipal ID’s are kept confidential and encouraged anyone that is an Undocumented Resident age 14 and older who does not have an ID to get one. “We do not make copies of the ID,” Diaz reassured everyone. “It’s disturbing to have hate crimes. We will continue to protect everyone. We are making progress with the Police Chaplain Corps and Auxiliaries.  Our Officers are here to help. I’m here as Mayor of Perth Amboy and President of the New Jersey Urban Mayor’s Association. Here (in Perth Amboy) we honor all walks of life. It’s about everybody who lives in Perth Amboy. In my opinion, there’s no higher office to serve Perth Amboy directly. As Mayors we are here to protect our Cities.”

Diaz then stated that anyone who is found guilty of committing crimes will be treated accordingly – documented or undocumented.

Sgt. Richard Zaleski spoke next. “We practice Community Policing and Philosophy. We are stressing to the residents that we serve everyone. We formed partnerships that bridge the gap between communities. I hope this eases any tension or anxiety that our residents may be having (due to the results of the presidential election). We wish to empower our residents. We are only as effective as our community. If you see something, say something. It works.”

Mayor Diaz then fielded some questions from the press.

Q: How many Undocumented Residents live in Perth Amboy?

Diaz: We are here to assure the community. People come to this country to make a better life for themselves. We welcome it. We estimate several thousand (undocumented immigrants).We want the residents of our community only to be welcoming.

Q: Will you protect Undocumented Immigrants and risk losing federal aid?

Diaz: There’s a lot of discussion going on. There are things one says while campaigning and other things while governing. There’s a lot to be done when we work together. We are here to work for the people. I am going to vigilant to see what comes. Federal funding is essential to every community. Undocumented Immigrants are in every community. We need to see what happens.

Q: Does protecting your Undocumented Immigrants may oppose federal policy?

Diaz: The Police are here to protect the citizens. They are not INS Officers. They will not go house to house looking for Undocumented Immigrants. It’s very shameful. People come here with a dream. When they come here they want to be a part of the Greatest of Our Nations. My job is to protect and serve the families of Perth Amboy.

Members of the Press, Poilce Chaplains and City Staff listen to Mayor Diaz and Sgt. Zaleski, top, at the news conference.

Members of the Press, Police Chaplains and City Staff listen to Mayor Diaz and Sgt. Zaleski, top, at the news conference.

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