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What’s the Status?

12/12/16 Caucus

PERTH AMBOY – R – 521-12/16 – Grant for the Remedial Investigation of 376 High Street in the amount of $25,290.

William Kurzenburger said, “This was awarded and accepted by the City. It’s to reimburse the City for the expenditures to close out the grants. The Economic Development Authority is overseeing the grant. I can get you more details of the remediation.”

Councilman Fernando Gonzalez wanted to know more information about the status of this property.

Kurzenburger said, “This is a site cleanup and not a remediation.”

Councilman Petrick said, “Grants were used for the removal of oil tanks from the old City buildings on High Street. Gonzalez was concerned, “This property was sitting there for 8 years without us getting any taxes from it. I want the contract status of these City owned properties on High Street.”

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