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THE COMMUNITY VOICE: Letters to the Editor

Putting Perth Amboy First:

In 2008, I raised my hand and took an oath to uphold the constitution and to put the City of Perth Amboy first. Those first few months were a very difficult time. The poor decisions and burden of one administration had nearly compromised the well-being of an entire City. But through hard work and belt tightening, we began to see things turning around. As we came out of that recession Perth Amboy began to come alive again – and that happened because we were collectively responsive and we worked together on this mission to restore our beloved community!

While there is still so much work today, I am proud to say that we are on the road of progress. Sadly though, there are some in our government who have put that progress and our city’s future in jeopardy.

As elected officials of this community, we must uphold our oath to serve it and put it first.  Some members have not considered the welfare of our residents and business owners in their decision making.  As time goes on, the council meetings are very telling of this behavior with petty disputes and unlawful policymaking that demonstrate division and a lack of respect to the governing body and the community.

I simply will not allow that to happen – because it is my duty as Mayor to protect Perth Amboy.

This week I was left with no other choice but to file official legal action against the City Council.Several members of the City Council have repeatedly violated the authority of the executive office of the Mayor under the Faulkner Act.  The actions they have taken put our entire city at risk and forced me to take this necessary step to protect Perth Amboy.

I hope you will stand with me as we move forward to protect the progress we have made in our home, because only together can we ensure a better future for Perth Amboy.

Thank you always for your continued support.

Wilda Diaz

Mayor, Perth Amboy

Reforming the Supreme Court

The controversies over US Supreme Court nominations are the result of the power of one Justice. This can be corrected by these reforms.

Increase the number of Justices to fifteen and limit each to a twelve-year term. Require the retirement of any Justice in the year when they reach seventy years of age.

The above will allow the renewal of Justices by preventing serving for life and lessen the power of any one Justice. The increase would allow more appeals to be heard. The states in the Union require a fixed term or mandatory retirement for their judges. This provides the “checks and balances” that are now lacking on the US Supreme Court.

Ronald A. Sobieraj

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We are taking safety precautions in the City of Perth Amboy, and emphasize that it is important: IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING!!
Report Suspicious Activity – Be Vigilant – STAY ALERT! Do not think that any call or report is too small. Don’t allow the actions of a few dictate your quality of life.