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How I felt walking down Smith Street, Perth Amboy on 3/17/17 in the evening

In the past at Council Meetings, the Perth Amboy Department of Public Works has been taking it on the chin when it comes to snow removal on Smith Street.

On the evening of 3/17/17 I caught the 8:40 p.m. train from South Amboy to Perth Amboy. Upon arriving in Perth Amboy, from the time I walked up the train steps to the intersection of Smith and High Streets, the sidewalks and streets (to the curbs) were clear of 85% of the snow. It was a pleasant surprise to see that a person exiting on the passenger side of vehicles had no snow to climb over. This was on both sides of the street. Even stores that had no sun to help them clear their sidewalks did an outstanding job.

Kudos to the Department of Public Works and to businesses on both sides of Smith Street who did a fantastic job. Smith Street is the heart of our business district and every public service bus uses that street.

Perth Amboy Department of Public Works

I realize that residents in other parts of town may have issues with their streets being plowed in a timely manner, but the main thoroughfares have to take priority.

There were a couple of businesses (on other streets in the business district) who I was surprised did not clean their sidewalks in the time frame that the City’s ordinance called for. My advice to those businesses is this: make an agreement with the businesses that  have quick snow removal to clear your sidewalks at the same time. One of those businesses who needs to do this is a major corporation on Jefferson Street near the library who didn’t have their sidewalks touched until Saturday afternoon.

I agree with the resident who wrote a letter last week stating if a person spends a lot of time digging out their vehicle,  especially in front of their residence, they should own that spot. The Council should draft a resolution approving this. C.M.

Above two photos:
Smith Street Perth Amboy 3/15/17 at 9 p.m.

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