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EDITORIAL: When are They Coming?

8/8/16 – Homeless Population Discussed. – Story in the Amboy Guardian.

Pastor Bernadette Falcon-Lopez and the then Municipal Department Head came forward to talk about the homeless population in Perth Amboy.

The topic included Perth Amboy and New Brunswick as being the only two municipalities in Middlesex County to address this situation.

In subsequent Council Meetings, this issue did not go away with Police Chaplain Gregory Pabon and our own Acting Deputy Police Chief  Roman McKeon weighing in on their concerns.

There was compassion shown all around by many of those speakers towards the homeless. If I can recall, the Council had requested that perhaps the Freeholders have a  meeting here in Perth Amboy to discuss this matter. Some of the speakers said that the Freeholders are WELL AWARE of other towns sending their homeless to Perth Amboy because they are the only ones that have a program implemented for emergency weather situations.

So when are the Freeholders going to appear personally in Perth Amboy?

They’ve been here often during election times to endorse candidates, but that is playing softball! We need them to graduate into the Major Leagues!  Because right now, it’s a Major League Problem that is affecting our City.

We all know that other Cities in Middlesex County give the homeless a free bus or train ticket to Perth Amboy.

Recently, Deputy Chief McKeon said he treats the homeless with the respect that they deserve.

We agree that they deserve that respect because as the saying goes “There by the grace of God go I.”

We understand that the homeless need help, but when will the Freeholders go after the other towns? When will other towns implement programs to help their homeless residents?

One time when I was going through the train station waiting area in Perth Amboy, an Officer was there questioning who was there. It was close to  the time for train station to close and they had to make sure everyone was out of the station. I heard the Officer say to one woman, “If you want I can give you a ride to Woodbridge.”

He showed a lot of compassion to that woman. It’s just too band that other towns don’t do their part.

The Freeholders have been giving these towns a free pass for too long when it comes to the homeless.

It’s time for the Council to draft a letter to the Freeholders to come before them and the residents to answer questions.

The City of Perth Amboy and the homeless not only in Middlesex County but all over New Jersey deserve better.

Something needs to be done. All Municipalities need to be accountable.

Together, we can find a solution to make things better for everyone.

Remember, it doesn’t take much to become homeless. Medical emergencies, job loss or mental and physical illness can happen to anyone. A strong support system in place is vital.

A house divided tends to fall.


C.M. & K.M.

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