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Councilman Reilly Looks to Help South Amboy Youth Succeed

8/2/17 Business Meeting

By: Joseph L. Kuchie

Thomas Reilly

SOUTH AMBOY – Councilman Tom Reilly discussed ways to get South Amboy’s youth involved in the city’s day-to-day operations at last Wednesday’s city business meeting.

On August 15th Reilly, along with Mayor Fred Henry and Business Administrator Stacey Kennedy, will meet with South Amboy’s Board of Education to put the final touches on the city’s new co-op program. The co-op will give high school students the opportunity to work at city hall and gain valuable experience in the work place.

“We’re ironing out the details of how many students were going to incorporate into city hall,” Reilly said. “Joanne Katko in the Tax Office asked me about the program and she would really like to have someone in there with her as part of the co-op program. That’s actually a good thing that we have somebody stepping up and showing an interest in bringing a student in here and teaching them.”

“Hopefully we can iron out the details and get ourselves up and running for September,” he added.

Reilly also spoke about the city’s fourth and fifth grade government club and pitched the idea of bringing them to city hall to shadow the city’s council for a day.

“We would have kids from that government club come over and spend a day in city hall, acting in compacity of the Business Administrator, the Mayor, the council, then have them come to the council meeting that night,” Reilly said. “Maybe we can have them draw up a piece of legislation, something silly, and let them do it.”

“I think it would be a further gesture that we’re showing interest the kids in town, working with the Board of Ed, I think it’s a good thing,” he added.

The Historical Preservation Ordinance of South Amboy will be brought up on second reading at the next city council meeting on August 16th.

“I think it’s all good stuff,” Reilly said. “I want to applaud Mary Szaro for the work that she put in for that. It’s a good thing for the town.”

“They are dedicated people, they are passionate about it,” Councilwoman Zusette Dato added. “We have a lot of history.”

All council members were in attendance for the business meeting. The next city council meeting will be on August 16th at 7:00 p.m.

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