COMMUNITY VOICE: Obamacare on Life Support?

Well, have you Obama Kool-Aid drinkers come to a logical conclusion since your man has made a complete fool of himself? Given the opportunity this man can do even more damage to our country; that will have a definitive negative effect on us – now and in the future.

Obama has shown he would rather speak with the Russians, Syrians and Iranians than his own Congress. It is a known fact that the government shutdown would bankrupt the country is a fallacy. 250 billion dollars comes into our treasury every month. The interest we pay is $25 billion. Why don’t more know this? The news media is controlled by the Democrats.

As of this writing, Obama’s approval rating is at 37% and plummeting daily. Obamacare was passed only with the approval and deal making with the Democrats. Now, the populace is starting to realize how bad this bill really is. Because businesses do not and cannot pay the ridiculous price of Obamacare for their workers, they are downsizing their workers’ hours to under 40 hours. Many people see their premiums go from $3000/yr. to $10,000/yr. Many have a deductible as high as $10,000.

When Obama was run- ning for President he claimed “transparency” would be the hallmark of his presidency. We still do not see it. He also said “lobbyists” would never see the inside of the White House. They use it like a revolving door. Some lobbyists are in the White House more than the Cabinet Members.

As to our military who have sworn to defend this country, some come home in body bags. Since the shutdown of the government families have had to bury their own dead. The President could have issued an order for this to be done but claimed that Congress should do it. Secretary Hagel should be forced to resign due to his ineptness in this matter.

Our military veterans were locked out of their own parks and walked behind iron gates while immigrants were allowed in and permitted to rally to have our government give them the rights that our own citizens have.

If Obama feels so skin to Abraham Lincoln (his mentor) then he should take note of the fact that when Lincoln debated Stephen Douglas he felt very strongly that “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” Obama’s progressive ideas at this time in our history cannot bring us to a positive fruition that could prepare use for a bright future. We are a nation of caring people but Obama’s ideas to enlarge this goal to change our basic beliefs can never satisfy those who feel that our constitution is being destroyed.

Remember! Any law can be changed. The people run the government – the government doesn’t run the people. Rome wasn’t built in a day but it sure was destroyed in a very short time.

Obama is only 1/3 of the government. He may seem to have control of the Judicial (Supreme Court) but the rights granted to the House must not be overlooked. If more of the 37% see thru his lies and stub- bornness, then and only then will impeachment happen!

– Barbara Skokan

One Response to “COMMUNITY VOICE: Obamacare on Life Support?”

  1. Scott Edwards says:

    I am having trouble finding anything about Obamacare being on Life Support (touted in the title) buried anywhere in this pastiche of right wing demagoguery. Platitudes are not substitutes for debate.:

    Here is the screed:

    Paragraph #1 “..this man (Obama) can do even more damage to our country: that will have a negative effect on us now and in the future”.

    I suppose damage can be viewed negatively; need one even mention what this ‘damage’ is ?

    Paragraph # 2 “The news media is controlled by the Democrats”

    Time-Warner, Rupert Murdoch, Hearst, Comcast, News Corp… they own the media.. and we should somehow believe that they are controlled by Democrats. Fox (owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch) ran a piece during the government shutdown which stated that the only museum left open by Obama was the Muslim Museum: nevermind there is no Muslim Museum owned by the feds to keep open… shows the vacuity of the premise that Dems control the media.

    Paragraph #3 “Because businesses do not and cannot pay the ridiculous price of Obamacare for their workers, they are downsizing their workers’ hours to under 40 hours. ”

    There it is !!! Business does not want to pay for the healthcare of their employees. So what else is new ? Oh, Republicans don’t want single payer National Healthcare like the civilized world already enjoys. So the Democrats, the same one that are reputed here to control the media, met the Republicans half-way and kept the old employer based healthcare system… only this time healthcare is MANDATED. Imagine that. Your employer must offer you health insurance and he/she doesn’t want to and so will offer every trick in the book to avoid it.

    We have already seen some of these tricks in Paragraphs #1, #2, and #3…

    Paragraph #4 “Since the shutdown of the government families have had to bury their own dead.”

    That was true before the shutdown, during, and after it as well. The writer is referring to a check of about $20,000 offered by the government to families. So yes, there was a sixteen day delay is the checks going out… but that is a far cry from the allegation being made by the author; one which impiles something far more than the facts portend… as if facts really matter here.

    Paragraph #5 “Our military veterans were locked out of their own parks and walked behind iron gates while immigrants were allowed in and permitted to rally to have our government give them the rights that our own citizens have.”

    This is about as nutty as it can get. Yes the federals parks were closed. All of them. But free speech isn’t closed. You want a rally ? Go have one but not in the federal parks because they are closed. The fact is (do facts matter anymore ?) that during the government shutdown there were hundreds if not thousands of rally for all sorts of issues.

    Paragraph #6 “We are a nation of caring people but Obama’s ideas to enlarge this goal to change our basic beliefs can never satisfy those who feel that our constitution is being destroyed”

    Finally some honesty!!! It is true. The right-wing panjandrum in the country will never be satisfied with Obama. After all, according to most republicans, Obama is a muslim, a citizen of Kenya, socialist, marxist, communist, whose books were ghost-written by Bill Ayres and Rev Wright, and who wants to take away your guns, your money, and give it all to minorities.
    None of those charges have any merit, but hey, we are talking about your employer being mandated to provide health insurance… so I guess anything goes.


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