COMMUNITY VOICE: R. L. Anderson – He’s Their Man

Dear Perth Amboy Board of Education Members,

As an ESL staff here at Wilentz, we sadly miss our principal, Mr. Jenkins, and continue to adjust to the loss in our building. We feel that Mr. Anderson remain our building principal.

We respectively want to express our thoughts. Mr. Anderson has stepped-up into the position and has truly made our adjustment to this sudden change easier and smooth. He has helped carry on all the routines and requirements of the day. We have been held together with his consistency, along with his innovation in meeting the demands of running our school.

Moreover, our community of the Wilentz school, staff and students, has had many unexpected disruptions but we continue to work together to achieve our successes. Please understand that we cannot experience yet another possible change in our community. We have been on a steady path of healing and Mr. Anderson has been at the heart of it.

Submitted respectively,

The Wilentz ESL staff 

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