COMMUNITY VOICE: The Failure of Obamacare

This country should be ashamed of itself. How in the name of all that is holy has Obama been allowed to do all the damage he has incurred? Where is the fighting spirit we Americans had when WWII broke out? We were confronted with an enemy who was hell bent on destroying us. We garnered our people, strength, and patriotism and fought off not only one enemy but three. We know have in our midst a man who has risen from the neighborhood ghettos to become the most powerful man in the world. He has seen to it that our constitution is merely a piece of paper on which to wipe his feet.

The saddest part of this is the following of people who either do not realize what he is doing or just want their jobs, city, state or nationwide. Those who defend him have become the laughing stock of the country by their words of praise and defense of this man. Nance Pelosi’s famous quote: “Let’s pass it to see what is in it” will go down in history as some of the most pathetic words ever spoken. Our representatives in Washington fail to realize they are where they are because of we the people. We sent them there expecting them to represent the constituents and not their party.

The majority of people by and large do not want Obamacare. He himself using the term Affordable Care because the term Obamacare is a disgraceful failure thus far. With its mass confusion and unreasonable cost, he has returned the medical profession back into the 19th century. He has destroyed medical care as we know it.

For those that had no insurance the government could have and should have offered those individuals the purchase of an affordable health care plan. The money used to untruthfully promote the plan could have been better spent helping those without medical insurance. Because of Obama’s ineptness, over 5 million people have lost their medical coverage.

The wave of inflation that is due to come is because of printing worthless money. To pay off all this deficit spending will take decades to alleviate the burden this man has placed on us.

Far too many Americans have been conditioned to believe there is a “free lunch” provided by the government. They fail to realize that we and they are the government. We are merely robbing Peter to pay Paul. To quote Thomas Jefferson: “Democracy will cease when the government takes from those who earn and give it to those who do not”.

The redistribution of wealth was tried by Josef Stalin, Karl Marx, and Nikita Khrushchev, and others and it was a dismal failure. Do not the democrats realize that history is doomed to repeat itself if they follow the president’s course of action.

How far would the Obama faithful follow him? Many years ago, Confucious said: “A fool will find one still more foolish and admire him.” I cannot feel for these brainwashed individuals. Some could be brainwashed with an enema!

Except for a few, even some Republicans are caught up in a wave of ideology. It is never too late to write a wrong but time is growing perilously short.

-Barbara Skokan

One Response to “COMMUNITY VOICE: The Failure of Obamacare”

  1. Scott Edwards says:

    To a degree, I agree… which is to say I disagree.

    Obamacare is not what it should be: that is this affordable care act does not approach what the civilized world already enjoys… national healthcare.

    Thanks to the right wing in this country access to healthcare is a privilege and not a fundamental right. As a fundamental right no one would be denied access or be charged for physical, dental, or mental care. Maintaing a system whose access is predicated on one’s ability to pay places this country alone among developed nations.

    Let’s not mince words: the healthcare system in the USA is designed to place profits ahead of people.

    Three years ago while visiting Taiwan on business I suffered a heart attack. I was two weeks in hospital, had surgery where a stent was implanted, underwent rehab, and was given a range of medicines. If I were a taiwanese citizen these procedures would not have cost me at all. As a visiting US citizen as I was required to pay. The total bill for my two week hospital stay, surgery, and all related expenses was USD$ 8000. Eight thousand dollars, total.

    Obama should be given credit for attempting to fix a broken system. However if one shares the mindset that healthcare is a business really do not care that had my heart attack happened here that cost would approach a quarter million dollars. These same people would say, “Scott, relax. You’re insured.”. True. But if I wasn’t I’d be bankrupted or dead.
    In a civilized country that could not happen.


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