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The Night of Discontent

A House Divided Again — Board of Education Meeting

PERTH AMBOY – The public portion of the 4/10/14 Board of Education Meeting started off on a sour note. Parent Mel Knight questioned two agenda items having to do with the following job descriptions under New Business:

Abolishing the following two existing positions:
1.) Supervisor of Educational Technology;
2.) HR Manager.

To create two new job descriptions:
1.) Chief Technology Officer K-12;
2.) Director of Personnel and Evaluation. 

Knight made reference to the current Human Resources Manager, Bernice Marshall. She said that Marshall is taking courses that will give her the credentials needed to qualify for the new job description. (Director of Personnel and Evaluation) Her tuition is  already being paid for by the school system. “Mrs. Marshall has been very instrumental in putting into place practices and procedures that has us now  as a district in compliance with state regulations. Is it because she is not Spanish? If you want a higher standard for this position – that’s great! However, why not give this woman an opportunity to rise to the occasion. The community is watching, especially the NAACP. We know that you already have someone in mind for the new Director of Personnel and Evaluation. Why go through the ferocity of the posting and interviewing for this position?”

(See Mel Knight Statement here.)

After Knight spoke, Bernice Marshall (Current Resources Manager) came up to the podium to express her anger as to how she was told her job will be eliminated.

Marshall read from a prepared statement. She questioned why the Human Resources Manager has to have a Principal’s Certification. “When this is not a legal requirement.” She mentioned degrees that she earned in human resources and education. These degrees include Instructional and School Business Administrator Continuing Education Credits (CE’s). “My responsibilities exceeded my job descriptions. I was given some of the job responsibilities of the Assistant Superintendent. I met all State Mandates and deadlines for teacher evaluations which included the implementation of Teachscape. This resulted in 100% completion of all teacher evaluations in the last school year. I left a good job in another district to come to Perth Amboy. I know that I am more than qualified and prepared to run the Department of HR. The Interim Superintendent e-mailed me about the elimination of Human Resources Title instead of notifying me face to face. I would like to thank the employees and administrators of Perth Amboy for making  my employment although short lived a rewarding and fulfilling experience.”

(See Bernice Marshall Statement here.)

Audience Member Speaks Out Against Board Member Varela

Audience Member Speaks Out Against Board Member Varela

Board Member William Ortiz commented on the elimination of the Human Resources Manager position. Ortiz looked at his cell phone (as he often does during Board Meetings) to read prepared statements. He started rattling of questions directed at Acting Superintendent Dr. Vivian Rodriguez, barely giving her a chance to answer. He wanted to know if the current Human Resources Manager (Marshall) had the qualifications of the new job title in question.   Rodriguez answered, “Yes.”

“Mrs. Marshall is working on getting an administrative certificate which is above what is required, ” Ortiz said.

Still looking at his phone, Ortiz rattled off the number of current administrators that are not in compliance including the current Superintendent Dr. Rodriguez. He said, “I looked at the Human Resources description of other towns in New Jersey and they do not have the same qualifications that the new title of Director of Personnel and Evaluation has.”

A House Divided 1Board Member Maria Garcia sided with Ortiz and the others who defended Mrs. Marshall and her credentials. Garcia stated, “We are getting rid of a person (Marshall) who we were paying tuition for to get accreditation for this new job title. This is ridiculous. Be happy she’s going to school to get these skills. We are wasting taxpayers money. Evaluations were not done for many years. We should change the job description to fit the person we have now who is taking additional courses.”

A House Divided 3Dr. Rodriguez answered, “These new job descriptions are in keeping with the Best Practices Achievements in New Jersey. The Race to the Top Funds are also factored into this. This position can be someone in or not in this district.” (For more info go to and

Board President Obi Gonzalez said, “The revisions are being made because there is a greater responsibility due to the needs of the district.”

A House Divided 2There was a motion to table these agenda items pertaining to the job descriptions that were to be abolished or added. For tabling item No. 1 – Abolishing the Supervisor of Educational Technology and HR Manager. The Motion to Table did not pass therefore there was a vote to abolish the job titles: Voting “Yes” were members Tejeda, Lebreault, Varela, Gonzalez. Voting “No” were Roman, Ortiz, Garcia. “Abstention” – Puccio and Bermudez. Motion to Abolish job descriptions does not pass.

Motion to table Item No. 2 – Add New Job Descriptions – Chief Technology Officer K-12 and Director of Personnel and Evaluation. The motion to table did not pass. Therefore there was a vote. Motion to approve the above job descriptions: “Yes” – Tejeda, Puccio, Lebreault, Bermudez, Varela, Gonzalez; “No” – Roman, Ortiz, Garcia. Motion passed to establish new job descriptions.

Student Stephanie Rodriguez came up to speak and pulled no punches. She was pleased to report that she is now ranked #10 in her class at the main campus. She thanked her family, friends, teachers who pushed her and she wanted to thank the Board Members, including past member, Anton Massopust.

She mentioned three Board Members who never approached her which included Roman and Garcia. She referenced an instance where Board Member Ortiz used her to further his own agenda at a public gathering. She said, “Do not use my name for your own cause. Looking at the Board as a whole, Rodriguez commented, “You are not respecting yourselves and you’re throwing each other under the bus. How can we look up to you when you are displaying this behavior tonight?”

Stephanie wore her pajamas and slippers to the meeting to make a point. “Remember the time you spend in executive session. The meetings are held on a Thursday and usually there is school the next day. If students are here, they have to get up early to go to school. Others sitting here including yourselves may have to get up early as well. You should think about this the next time.”

Resident Stanley Sierakowski said, “I don’t think that anyone’s rights are being violated. A Board Member kept interrupting the Superintendent before she could finish answering questions posed to her. It’s the Superintendent’s right if they want to change personnel titles.”

Resident Sharon Hubberman wanted to know, “What was the salary of the Human Resources Manager?”

Board Secretary Jess said, “About $111,000.”

Hubberman said, “We need a flow chart when eliminating, adding or changing job descriptions. There is too much antagonizing going back and forth at the meetings.”

During the discussion of the agenda items, Board Member William Ortiz motioned to fellow Member Israel Varela about an incident at the Richardson School. Ortiz brought up the fact that ethics charges against Varela are still pending from when the former Superintendent (Caffrey) was there.

A woman from the audience came up to the mic and said, “I was confronted by Varela during a PTO event held at the Richardson School. I was passing around a petition to see if people wanted to sign it to make Karen Moffatt the Principal of the school. I was approached by Varela, who asked what I was doing, and then he proceeded to tell me that what I was doing was illegal and if I knew who he was. I have filed charges against him for this behavior.”

Board Member Israel Varela did not respond to the comments made by the woman who spoke against him, nor to fellow Board Member William Ortiz’ statement.

Another speaker came forward who is a member of the PTO and has children in the Richardson School. He talked about the same incident. He wanted a clarification if having a petition signed during a PTO event was legal. “This way we will know in the future.”

The Board Attorney said that she would get back to him with an answer.

Things got out of hand when the Board discussed the elimination of the HR Title. Board President Obi Gonzalez said, “Comments are going on too long and we have to move on.”

Board Member William Ortiz remarked, “We can comment as long as we want. When we are done speaking on an item, then we will move on.”

This prompted someone from the audience to shout out, “You are losing control of this meeting,” speaking to Obi Gonzalez.

Board Secretary Derek Jess pleaded with the audience to calm them down, “Please respect us, especially when we are trying to do a vote count. I don’t often have to ask for this courtesy.”


2 Responses to “The Night of Discontent”

  1. Ran Santos says:

    It is embarassing to watch the dysfuction of the Perth Amboy Board of Education. After witnessing the circus at the April 10,2014 board meeting, it is clear that you do not have the children of Perth Amboy interests as a priority. Why didn’t all members of the board have access to all the background information about the interim super’s plan, or scheme? Why are you trying to fix what is not broken and then you ignore what is broken? Why does certain board members along with the interim super want to get rid of a fair, hard working employee who has performed quite well for the district? Is it because the board wants to replace that employee with a Hispanic person that is more friendly with the board? Why wasn’t all areas of the NJQSAC highlighted by the interim super in her presentation? Why does she want to create standards the she herself does not meet? Why have certain administrators and the interim super herself been allowed to forgo completing state mandated evaluations. EVERY employee should be evaluated as mandated to ensure a quality education for our children. You fought so hard to get rid of the previous superintendent She sits home and still collects a handsome salary from PAPS. Why hasn’t a search or posting for a permanent superintendent began after all these months? Is it because the board wants the position open so they can have their puppets VR and DJ do their dirty work. The interim Super is a joke. She has no leadership or public speaking skills at all. VR cannot answer a direct question with a direct answer if her life depended on it. Why she is even there after the board removed her from her previous position is one question. Why she is there after the illegal and unethical crap that her and her husband tried to pull in Elizabeth NJ with the Elizabeth BOE is another matter. But the public does not forget. anyone can be googled, as I am sure you know. And this is the person that you, the board want making important decisions and changes to our district. The interim super, VR is an obvious puppet. All can see just by the documented hours that board members spend at her office. Witnessed by many people. People in this district have been afraid of the board for years, that is coming to an end soon if this board continues to make self serving and racist personel decisions. A board member admitted in public at the board meeting that board members are present during all phases of interviewing and hiring process. And he had the nerve to say thank you for the opportunity.THAT PRACTICE IS UNETHICAL! A board member has stated in public that “if he had 88 job positions, he would hire 88 Dominicans”. SHAMEFUL! The board president has no control over board meetings and OG should be careful what she says when the mike is live. Incriminating comments by her. The board president allows others to take charge of the meeting. SL is often out of line when he interjects his opinions. The district lawyer should not be giving directions or interfering in the process. DJ the board secretary, should be taking minutes and not voicing opinions or giving directions to the board. Mr Bermudez and Ms Tejeda are being bullied and cajoled by SL and IV into voting a particular way. Shame on them for not voting the right way and joining in the the other unethical board members.The public is watching. Various media outlets are aware of the events at the last board meeting and are hungry for details. The want to know if previous accusations and charges directed at the board are true and can be substantiated. You just settled one lawsuit and are asking for a few more. How many Adminstrators and or Department heads have voiced or DOCUMENTED their concern over fear of losing their jobs because they are not Hispanic? Several and they should file suit enmasse. And just because you make a few token African American or Non-Hispanic hires does not hide the RACISM, nepotism and cronyism present on the majority of this board. Please make wise choices. The Interim Super is a puppet and seems bitter about how she was treated previously by the former super JC. She should not be allowed to take her frustrations out on other hard working dedicated employees. This district has wasted so much money paying employees to stay home, and on lawsuits because of bad practices and decisions. You just settle one lawsuit for $200,000 with others pending. Do you really want to open more cans of worms and create more bad press and litigation for the district. Not to mention the damages to be paid out. Since the last board meeting there has been a groundswell of resentment towards the boards practices. Parents and employees are coming forward and volunteering information on unethical practices and unfair and hostile treatment by the board. There is certainly a recognizable pattern.
    National Association of Black Journalist
    NJ Coalition of Black Clergy
    Equal Opportunity Commission
    Assorted media outlets
    NJ Department of Education
    NJ Governor’s office
    They are all on notice that many more details of DOCUMENTED wrongdoings may come forth. Maybe it is time for the PAPS to be taken over by the state. This board must clean up its act immediately.

  2. Ran Santos says:

    Tomorrow’s school board meeting (on May 7,2014) should be another interesting mess. Vivian Rodriguez and her cronies on the school board namely (Samuel Lebreault, Isreal Varela, Obdu Gonzalez and some others will again try to have their way with the employee selection process.
    Karen Moffatt who has been the acting principal at Richardson school for two years will NOT get the job. Instead a Hispanic individual will be selected.
    Bernice Marshal is again slated to have her job abolished. Most likely for an Hispanic replacement already selected by the board.
    The board has already replaced Ryan Boyd as baseball coach because they wanted a person that was Hispanic or could speak Spanish. In NJ, really?
    The board has already replaced VP Jeff Hudanish with Roberto Reyes another Hispanic person.
    The board has already replaced VP Mike Hidelberg with Maribel Arce, another Hispanic person
    I hope every employee that has experienced discrimination from Vivian Rodriguez or members of the board speak out. If any employee has been verbally abused or threatened in any way by Vivian Rodriguez they should speak out. If a non tenured employee can speak up for themselves,any and all tenured employees should have the courage to speak out against this ongoing discrimination and hostile work environment. The public is encouraged to speak out at public sessions both before and after the board votes. Thank you and see you at the meeting tomorrow night.


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