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EDITORIAL: Are We Living in a Bradburyan State?

The more I see what’s going on in our society; the only comparison I could make is to numerous novels by science fiction and fantasy author, Ray Bradbury.  These novels include short stories that reflect a major change in society.

One such short story is “The Pedestrian.” Two friends are questioned by the police: “Why are you walking out at night?” We find as we read along the story, everything you would ever want is at the tip of your keyboard where there is no need to go out shopping for anything. You could get exotic meats from across the world and it will be delivered to you by a drone at your doorstep. You could consult a doctor on your monitor screen. You are never bored because there is a vast array of entertainment on your screen. Surprisingly in the story what they called a “wall unit” we call a “flat screen TV.”

Recently announced they are investing in drone delivery services. You already can shop online for groceries exotic or not that are delivered to your doorstep. WebMD is often consulted periodically by concerned individuals who diagnose themselves (correctly or incorrectly). There’s a new APP called Doctor on Demand where you consult a live doctor on you cell phone or tablet. There are new APP’s in the works where your electronic device can take your blood pressure and other vitals.

It’s a scary thought that that things are coming to be like they were in science fiction novels. If anyone ever read Fahrenheit 451 (The Fireman) the book starts out with the mention of changing novels to not offend anyone. Isn’t this happening now?  Look at Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn or H.P. Lovecraft’s Rats in the Walls. When these novels were written it was what it was; that’s the way things were. Will it come to be that all books will be just pictures and no words? In this way, words cannot offend people.  Videos too, are being censored, such as “The Little Rascals” and “E.T.” as an example.

It was brought to my attention cigarettes are no longer going to be sold at certain drug stores because it’s bad for your health. For now, they still sell candy, which might be next on the chopping block. I remember when movies, ads, TV commercials, movie theaters allowed and encouraged smoking. As a former smoker, I believe it’s like anything else; it’s up to the choice of an individual – not big business or the government.   Recently on the news it’s upsetting to see a summer time staple such as grilling may be banned in certain areas.

It’s becoming a Bradburyan State where bus benches are being removed because they don’t want “undesirables” sleeping on them. At the same time, aren’t you defeating the purpose of a bus stop bench where people could sit and wait for a bus instead of standing? Isn’t this also unfair to the handicapped whom it is difficult to stand for long periods of time?

If someone sees an “undesirable” sleeping on a bench just report it to your local authorities. Everyone has a cell phone these days – use it. They will find other places to sleep or rest.

Another thing that baffles me – I’m 50+. When I was in school, I was taught script in second grade and it was part of our education. I find it shocking and confusing why our youth of today cannot write or read script. How can these kids sign their names on documents when they are no longer capable of writing or reading script?

Also I’m a little confused why the game of dodge ball is banned in many states. The argument is that dodge ball teaches you to prey on the weak. As a youth, I was considered to be a “weakling” by the kids’ standard. Yes, I was picked on and I was targeted. I learned quickly how to dodge the ball. It did not make me any worse than I am. Sooner or later, most kids will have to face a few balls thrown at them and being knocked down a few times.

In the short story, “The Playground,” a child is protected by his father. He felt that his child was the target of ridicule and torment on the playground. The child’s aunt said to just let him play and the boy would work through it. The father took the boy’s place on the playground and took the ridicule for him. What were the results? The boy never learned social skills or how to protect himself. This brings up the question of the anti-bullying campaign – Is it really effective? There are bullies in every walk of life – not just kids. Adults on the job can be bullies, too. What are these kids going to do when they are grown and bullied at a workplace and don’t have a parent to run to for protection?

We are becoming a Bradburyan society where everyone is rewarded for participation. Every kid gets a trophy; every kid gets a medal. When I grew up only the top athletes or students got an award. This motivated kids to try to achieve the best they could. Now, in some places they play sports and don’t keep score. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. The culture of winning is being taken away.

The argument is “Let’s just have fun.” This does not prepare a child to enter into a workplace where mediocre production is fine. Look at the recent current events pertaining to some companies that accepted mediocre quality of products. It cost some people their lives and the companies millions of dollars in recalled products and lawsuits.

To me, this is the beginning of the downfall of society. If we have to fear our own words such as: “In God We Trust” or “God Bless America,” which offend certain individuals. Our country was founded on these words and also: “Freedom of Choice.” Slowly these inalienable rights are being taken away.

Like in Fahrenheit 451 when the Captain asked Montag, “What will you do when it becomes illegal to cut your lawn?” Montag replied, “I’ll just watch the grass grow.”

We as a society are on the track of just sitting by and watching the grass grow.

– P.W.W.

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